chapter 4

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~Narumi's POV~

I fidget as I walked around the 'High school' towards the principal's office. Anna told me a week ago that I had to go to 'school' which I figured it must be like the ninja academy except that we don't learn how to do jutsus here. When I reached my destination, I talked to the principal before getting my 'schedule' and 'locker' which I don't think I'll use yet if ever.

After getting lost a few times, I had to ask a boy with raven hair and blue eyes if he could guide me to my class which he did.

"Thank you... Um." I trailed off, hoping he'd tell me his name.

"Jack." He answered and I smiled.

"Jack. Thanks." I told him before going to enter the classroom to talk with the sensei. "My name's Narumi by the way."

I reached up to the locket around my neck before opening it to reveal the picture of my team. At lunch time, I sat down at one of the tables in the noisy cafeteria and ate before going outside and sitting down under a tree.

'I miss you guys.' I closed my eyes, sighing sadly. 'Please be okay. I know you can beat her if you haven't already. I believe in you, ya know.' I thought before going back to class when the bell rang.

'Thank goodness this is over.' The bell had rang, and the students had exploded from the doors, eager to escape from this place. I quickly placed everything back into my backpack and escaped with the rest of them. 'This is worst than the academy. I think I prefer Iruka-sensei's lectures than listening to those teachers especially that math teacher. That guy rubs me the wrong way.'

I heard beeps from a car horn and turned to see what it was. A dark green SUV had parked and a girl with brownish black hair with pink highlights hopped into it before it pulled off in a hurry while Jack got on a blue and pink motorcycle and a boy with brown hair got into a yellow and black Urbana 500 sports car.

I glanced down at the device that Anna had given me yesterday, a 'cellphone', before looking at the time. 2:50 p.m.

"Narumi!" I looked up to see Anna had parked at the front of the school, so I walked towards her and got into the car. "How was your first day of school?" She asked me as I looked out the window.

"It was.... Okay, I guess." I muttered.

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