Chapter 5

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 I got home and my dad was waiting for me by the door.

He didn't look happy at all and i tried to smile at him.

''Where were you''?.He asked me with a stern tone.

''I wasn't feeling 100 percent so i decided to go to the park''.I said and i wasn't lying to him.

''Oh,with who?.He was suspicious and i wondered how much did he know,i sigh i knew i busted so mine as well confessed.

''With Tyler''.I whispered and my dad surprised me but slapping me across my face hard enough to have blood dripping from my lip.

''I forbidded you to interact with that boy and you disobeyed me and on top of it he's got you lying to you're parents''.He screamed at me and i flinched away from him i had enough with a throbbing swollen cheek.

''I decided to go with him,i decided to lie to you.Not Tyler i just want to help him,he needs help and everyone who's so called god's children have given their backs on him and he has noone!''.I was frustrated and yelling at my father,who was getting ready to strike me again raising his hands but i refused to walk away from it so i only shut my eyes,but the blow never came.

''Daddy we are all god's children,no one is perfect''.I whispered and he only stare at me.

''What if i was in love with someone of the same sex as me''?.I ask my dad and the looked he gave me answer my question.

''Are you crazy,get that stupid idea out of you're head and go to youre room''.He pointed up the stairs and i started walking with my shoulders slump in defeat,but than Macy's face came to mind and i stop and turn around to face my enraged father.

''NO! You can't just send me up to my room in two weeks i'll be eighteen years old and adult and guess what?,I am in love with a wonderful sweet,caring and beautiful girl dad,im gay''.I screamed out loud and my mother dropped what she had on her hands and she gasps and cover her mouth with her hands,i felt terrible for hurting my mother.

''No you are not gay,you can't be we raised you better than this,starting tomorrow you will be homeschool no more public school''.My dad order and i dropped my jaw wide open in shocked.

''You can't be serious,im almost an adult remember,you can't do this!''.Our fight was elevating and there's was no going back on what we said to each other.

''As long as you lived under my roof and youre still under age,than i can do whatever i damn well please''.My dad said and my mom yelled his name for swearing.

''Well that'll be only for two weeks than,after that im done and i can be friends with the people that i want''.As soon as i said that i walked away and up to my room only to find it strip off my laptop,my phone,cell,ipad,ipod and anything electronic wow even my digital clock,i chuckled humorless he had all this homeschool planned before i even got home,all my stuff from school was gone books,posters and friends pictures that were taped on my vanity mirror.My room was plain just my desk dresser  and my bed and a nightstand.

I shrugged it off as if i needed any of that,a few hours later after my parents went to bed but not before they did a bed check and i even told them that this was more of a prison than a home.

Right after that little episode a rock to my window had me jumping,i saw Macy under the tree smiling so beautiful,i smile and gesture with my finger to stay quiet,i went and put pillows under my thick blanket and i got dressed and climb down the window,i was so glad dad hadn't figured it out yet.

Once down there,Macy hug me making me smile for the first time in the whole day i felt at peace.

''Danny heard the fight when he was walking Rock''.Macy said  and hug me tightly to her.

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