Chapter 4

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The next morning I drove myself to school seeing as me and Tyler weren't an item anymore.

And as soon as i entered school i was surprised at what i saw,all the students had Macy,Paul,Danny and Tyler cornered by the lockers they were throwing balls of paper and banana peels and empty juice bottles at them,one of the football players actually punched Tyler who just took it and didn't defend himself.And after the first hit came more and to the rest of them,i was frozen on the spot,this people who goes to church can just turn their back on their friends?.I saw someone hit Macy and she fell backwards on to the lockers roughly.

''STOP!".I yelled not wanting to see this anymore.

''And why should we?''.One guy asked.

''They're human beings just like us,why should you hit them?''.I spoke softly i wanted to go to Macy and check if she was alright but i was scared.

''You should be the more disgusted out of all of us,Tyler turn into a whore i bet he's doing  it with all three of these sinners,well my bad two of them seeing as she's a nasty dyke''.The same boy snapped.

Tyler lift Macy up and hold her to his chest glaring at all of us,he soften his eyes when they met with mine,he knew how i was feeling and i was controlling my tears.

''Just leave them alone,who gave you the authority to cast them as sinners none of you are god''.I whispered and turn to walk away.

I saw all four of them made their way to the nurse's office,and i flinch if rumors have gotten to her  than she's going to act the same way seeing as most of the school attend our church.

I went there to peek in and sure enough the nurse looked at them with distaste and told them to sit on the beds with plastic,than she excused her self and open her door to bump into me.

''Shannon honey,you need to get to class,you're daddy wont like it if you're around them besides you might catch something''.She said and shudder at that thought of catching something from the four kids in her office.

I nod and left to go to my class,I went through all my classes like a zombie and right now i was in the cafeteria surrounded by my so call friends and it made me wonder would they turn on me if i made the wrong choice,i mean i see Macy as an angel and they hate her.I sigh and looked around and didn't see her,i stood up and threw the contents of my untouch food away walking towards the door and ignoring the people calling for me.

I was going home and tell my daddy i wasn't feeling good.Once at my car i was shaking bad and dropped my car keys as i was attempting to unlock it as i bend down to pick them up a strong familiar hand fell on to mine.

I glance at the owners hand and saw Tyler's apologetic face and i lost it he hug me to his chest as i sob and than sobs turn into full on crying while he rub  my back gently and shushing me whispering that everything was going to be ok.

''No is not,this is all bad Tyler,you're getting beat up and everyone is ok with it,my faith is faltering and i don't know what to do and on top of it im so confused''.I said still sobbing.

''I deserved the beatings,you're faith will come back to you and why are you confused?''.He asked me and for a second i saw the old loving Tyler.

''Ever since i met Macy i can't get her out of my head,when i see her smiling im smiling,when i see her in pain i want to take it away and it scares me because i have never felt this way before''.I had stop crying and Tyler was smiling sadly at me.

''You my girl is in love''.He told me and i just stared at him.

''B~but,,ho~when?''.I couldn't speak and Tyler smirk at me.

''She feels the same''.He said picking us both up off of the ground.

''Danny told me some of you're experience''.I whispered and he wince.

''Let's go somewhere private and i'll tell you the whole thing''.He had a grim expression on his face and his lips were set on a thin line.

He jump in the drivers side and  he drove us to a park it was a school day and on working hours so there was noone here but us.

We stayed inside my car and stayed silent for a while til Tyler clear his throat and judging by the intake of air he took he was going to start telling me his bad experience.

''Me and Danny have been sneaking to college parties for a while now,my last one was a couple of weeks ago.I wasn't drinking so that i could drive us back,so i had a cup of beer but was drinking it slow,one was fine to just keep my throat from getting dry when out of the blue this huge guy he was as big as John Cena bumps into me and than apologises and leaves after i said no problem.A few minutes passed and i finish drinking my beer and i started feeling dizzy,and i couldn't understand why,so i panicked and went looking for Danny''.He paused for a bit and shut his eyes tightly.

''Than all of the sudden someone grabs my hand and pulls me towards upstairs,all kinds of red flags are going off in my mind but im too dizzy to protest and by than i realized that i had been drugged and i closed my eyes and when i open them im laying on a bed naked,i try to move but im still drugged i than felt someone's hand on my private part,this person begin to stroke me without talking or anything and i whimper because their hand was hurting me.The person chuckled and than felt when they put me in their mouth sucking on me,i swear i try to kick and smack but failed to and they just stay down there sucking me for a while,than i felt my arms regained some of the feeling so i try to moved it and actually did it so i grab the person's hair and pull them off of it but i wasn't too quick and they flipped me over on my belly and,and,and''.He sob uncontrollably and i felt bad for him,i grab his hand and gave it a squeeze letting him know i was here for him,he stared at our hands and took a long breath in.

''To my surprised it was that John Cena looking dude and he um once he flipped me on my stomach he didn't give me a chance to react,he thrust his member into me making me yelled,i kept telling him to stop but he just laughed and moaned after he was done with me,he got dressed and looked at me i had crawl into the fetus position and was crying,''You raped me'',I told him and he just laugh,''And who's going to believe you?,A high school boy that shouldn't be here,or the college student who's actually old enough to drink huh?'.He finish telling me and than walked towards the door but before he walked out he turned to me and told me,'Oh and cleaned you're self up,i didn't used a condom and i had a big load that i shoot in you',and than he left leaving me there destroyed,after a while Danny found me and i didn't have the courage to tell him,i didn't tell anyone until now''.He said and i could tell he was in so much pain.

''Than why did you're parents kicked you out?''.I asked him confuse.

''I came home the next morning smelling like cigarrets and beer.After i took a shower i forgot to throw away my underwear and my mom was doing laundry and found my bloody underwear and i couldn't tell them the truth so i lied and said i had sex with a girl the night before and she used that to clean herself,when in reality i was the one who lost his virginity''.He scoffed and turn to look out his window.

I hugged him tightly to me and he got startled by it.

''You're not disgusted by me?''.I could barely hear him.

''Why would i? You were raped,you're the victim and im going to help you''..I told him still hugging him,he smile at me and kissed me on the cheek.

We made it back to the school to drop him off and i drove to my house.

I can't believe this happend to him,and everyone is treating him like he did something wrong when we should be helping him.

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