"He is quick." Stewart commented catching his breath.

"We can catch him later," Detective Stiles assured. "Right now, we should go see Mr. Hendrickson so we can ask where his wife's parents are staying since they are on the suspect list."

"Right." Stewart nodded. With that, they left the station once more.

In ten minutes time, they were at the Kelling's residence sitting with Karson asking about where his in-laws were currently staying. He told them where they were staying and their last name so they could know to tell the person behind the desk who they were looking for and with the information they needed, left in a hurry to interrogate the elderly couple.

"Are you sure this is the place?" Stewart asked looking at the fancy hotel in front of him and his partner had arrived at.

"Indeed!" The detective answered in a confident tone. "Let us go, we can't be late any longer." He added in and they walked towards the building.

With Stewart close behind him, the detective walked to the front desk with a man in a hotel uniform behind the desk.

"Hello, sir, how may I help you?" The man asked.

"I am just visiting a friend who is currently staying here." Detective Stiles started. "The name is Newman, can you tell me what room number it is?"

The man behind the desk started flipping through the sign in papers of those who had signed in to get a hotel room. "It is number 756, on floor 7."

"Thank you." The detective nodded. He walked to the elevators with Stewart still following behind. Detective Stiles pushed the button for the elevator to come down. The elevator came down and the doors opened letting a ton of people out. Eventually they got on with a few other people who were currently staying at the hotel as well.

"So, there are 12 floors in this hotel?" Stewart asked looking down at the buttons to see the elevator could go up to 12 floors.

"Yes," A woman answered his question. "I've stayed here before and it's such a lovely hotel. Unfortunately floor 13 was closed because someone accidentally fell off that floor, so it was closed off never to be opened again." The woman added.

"13 floors?" Detective Stiles asked. "I had no idea. Well, of course I've never stayed at this hotel before." He scratched his head. "It's such a tragedy that someone fell to their death because of an accident."

The woman nodded. "It is." She paused staring off into the void before continuing. "It was a young beautiful woman, who wanted to become an actress. She was here to audition for her first movie, but one day she was out sitting on the railing of the balcony reciting her lines and she fell back, falling down from the 13th floor. It really is a tragedy. It's one of the most visited places regarding to the paranormal. They say she haunts all of floor 13. Some hear her soft footsteps from below, she is also known for being heard by the guests. They said they heard her talking-as if she were reciting her lines to herself. And others have witnessed seeing her ghost figure while out on their balcony enjoying the air. They always look up to see if she's up there, so it's obviously going to the people that are looking for her."

The elevator came to a stop bringing Stewart and his partner back to reality.

"This is our stop." Detective Stiles announces. "What an interesting but tragic story, ma'm." He said before he and Stewart exited the elevator.

The murder of Katelynn Hendrickson Where stories live. Discover now