The second time he had no idea it happened

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He punched the robot, parts exploding from his fist. He took out another then another but still they swarm like flies. Every time one shatters, another one arrives. Exhaustion began to crept his body. They were off Earth. So the sun could not reach this planet. Could not retain his strength.

"Anybody got any plans instead of, you know, the usual?" Hal said, materializing a bulldozer with his ring and taking out a fleet of robots.

"I received word from Batman. They have located the source in which these androids came from." J'onn answered, taking two out. "But it will take time for the portal to appear."

"Well, he better hurry up. These things are gonna keep coming and coming." Arthur said, throwing his triton, impaling three robots. Shayera swinging her mace at the charging androids.

A robot headed for him. He immediately grabbed it and destroyed it. He looked around for Bruce. Is he in trouble? He and Barry were separated from them.

"Kal! Behind you!" Diana warned him too late. An explosion blinded his eyes and sent him flying back. He landed hard on the boulder. Grimacing, he tried to get up, but fell on his back. He felt wetness at the back of his head. He began to feel dizzy.




He felt someone shaking him. He tiredly opened his eyes and saw an image of Bruce.

...Kal, are you alright?

His ears were ringing. The world, spinning. He shook his head, the action hurting his head more. He looked at Bruce. Hurt, tired and beautiful.

...just found the source...calibrated a portal to send them back...destroy it...

He stared at Bruce, memorizing him.

" wouldn't be so die..." Clark murmured. His eyes began to feel heavy.

...What? What are you saying?

Bruce leaned down, his ear hovering over Clark's mouth. He could fullfill his wish for the last time.

"...if you were the last thing I see." With the last of his strength, he turned his head and brushed a kiss on his lips. Then the world turned black.


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