Glen fought the urge to laugh, of course she would deny it to save her life, he thought.

Now that he had her tied up, he wasn't exactly sure what to do with her. He needed to make sure she would never leave him again. He only knew one way to make a person stay with him forever.

"I have to kill you now." He bent down to eye level with her. Missy kicked and screamed and thrashed trying to escape her bonds, but she wasn't going anywhere, not unless Glen freed her. And that wasn't happening. She shook her head. "It's the only way I can keep you forever." He added. She groaned and grunted, trying to buck herself off the chair she was tied to. "Please don't do that. I will make this quick and you won't feel a thing." Glen knew he was lying when the words left his lips, she, in fact, would feel everything and that's what he wanted.

He wanted her to feel the pain he felt when she left him and Spencer, the pain he continued to feel every day. The pain it caused his father and ultimately was what killed him. He wanted her to feel everything and he would take his time.

But Missy hadn't done the things he imagined she had. In Glen's mind, he was seeing Paula and he wanted Paula to die, he wanted her to die so she could be preserved in the memories he had of her before she ruined their family and left to be with a woman.

But she wasn't Paula and after killing her, he realized that he would never be satisfied with only Missy. He opened a door to something so deep and dark within himself, he wasn't sure if he'd ever be able to close it again.


August 14th

Spencer groaned as she rolled over and looked at the clock on her nightstand. It was early. Much too early. She sighed as she pulled herself from the bed. She had to make her brother breakfast, head to work to pick up her new assignment and then she had plans for dinner with Ashley—who she was missing very much at the moment.

After heading to the pharmacy last night to get Glen a refill on his prescription she stayed out of the house as long as she could to avoid being in the same place as her brother. Even with him tied up, she didn't feel comfortable being there. So, she walked around the park near her house and ate dinner at the 24-hour diner a few streets over and then walked home –something she knew her girlfriend would have never approved of if she knew about it.

She ended up getting home around one a.m. and Glen was not very happy about having missed dinner. She fed him, adding his pill to his meal, unbeknownst to him, and he fell asleep so after, so did she.

Spencer got out of bed and made her way to the bathroom to freshen up. Afterward, she headed into the kitchen to fix Glen some breakfast, crushing his medicine in his omelet.

"I made you breakfast." Spencer said as she opened the door to the bathroom. Glen was staring at her with a half smirk. "What?" She asked, placing the food down next to him.

"I'm not an idiot Spencer, I know what you're doing." He said blandly.

There was no way Glen could know about the pills! "What are you talking about?" She asked, feigning ignorance.

"Take that away, I won't eat it." He kicked the plate away.

"Glen, I have to go out and I won't be back for a long while, you need to eat something, or you'll be hungry until tonight. You love omelets." Spencer said, moving the plate back over to him.

"Not omelets laced with Aripiprazole and Clozapine." He said coolly, popping a brow and finally allowing his lips to curl up into a smirk. How could he possibly have known that she put medicine in his burger last night? There was no way.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2018 ⏰

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