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Gary thought for a minute "I dare you Misty Kasumi Waterflower to go on a date with me"

"Oh geez what a punishment" Misty said sarcastically

"What you don't understand the horrors of a date with me misty" Gary said shoveling a bagel into his mouth

"Well it looks like I'll have to find out" Misty said smirking

"Well what's your punishment for me?" Gary asked looking up from his food

"I don't know yet give me some time"

"Am I going to be scared if this punishment?" Gary asked

"You know it" Misty said

"Mist don't do anything fishy on your date" Trip said pointing at Gary

"Wouldn't dream it" she responded


"Gar-bear what should I wear?" Misty asked as she prepared for her date

"You always look beautiful" Gary said from the other room

Misty smiled and giggled to herself "why am I smiling? I'm a player I shouldn't smile even if he's the cutest person I've ever seen. Wait did I just say he's cute. Well yes he's utterly adorable. "NO" Misty said out loud

"What?" Gary asked poking his head into the room

"Nothing just an internal crises" Misty said quietly

Misty put on a low cut dark blue dress that had a black belt and a couple of black sparkles scattered throughout the dress. The dress went down to her high thigh "shorter than her sisters would allow " Misty thought she opted for some dark black heels as well (geez I hate clothing description it's quite boring) she did her make up a bit fancier with dark black eyeliner and a few blue sparkles.

When Misty finally got out of the bathroom she saw Gary by the door fiddling with the cuff on his suit jacket. He looked up and his mouth opened widly. Am I overdressed?" Misty asked noticing Gary staring at her.

"Are you trying to get laid?" Gary asked

"Oh my gosh Gary no" Misty said shocked

"Cause you look absolutely stunning I know I'm the one who you're going out with but I'm going to have some serious competition" Gary said "I bet any guy would want to take you home"

"I'm a player not a slut" Misty whined as she tugged at the bottom of her dress

"Sure whatever" Gary said smiling as he opened the door.



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⏰ Última actualización: Jul 08, 2014 ⏰

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