Misty's secret

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After all of their classes Misty and Gary headed back to their dorm.

"So are you going to tell me? Gary asked

"Tell you what?" Misty responded trying to avoid the topic

"About how you have no female friends" Gary reminded her

"Ugh fine sit here" she said motioning to a spot on her bed

"So this story kinda ties into why I'm a player too so I hope you don't mind" she said "it all started when I was born my father only wanted 3 kids. I was a mistake. Then when I was two my parents got divorced. I started Pre-K and I was different the girls would always ask why my parents didn't live together and I kinda became an outcast I was just....different. I missed out on the information such as "girls paint their nails" and those things I became friends with guys I rode skateboards I watched football I became a tomboy" Misty said she took a deep breath and continued "then...my parents died my mother died of disease and even though they were divorced my father couldn't live without her...he stopped eating...he stopped breathing. My sisters and I gained the immense wealth that my parents had and they began to take care of me even if they called me an antisocial tomboy freak. my sisters forced me into this mold of being a perfect girl but I couldn't do it I just I didn't fit in ok my sisters said I needed to gain attention from the girls so I did...and I did it by stealing their boyfriends. " she said with a slight smile "at first I did it for attention you know then I just did it to see how I affected people and now, well now I do it for amusement. It's quite funny actually how two people put all their trust in a relationship just to see one red headed girl tear it apart. It ends up with one person hating you and one loving you I guess" she said finally looking up at him "over the years I met my friends and finally you"

"It's ok Boo" Gary said kissing her on the top of her forehead

"Boo?" Misty asked

"Yeah it's cute just like you" he said

"Gary a player and a player don't mix" Misty said

"But what if by accident they do?" he asked looking at her intensely

"Then it would go a little something like this" she said as she kissed him she pressed him against the bed as she continued to kiss him.

She finally broke the kiss Gary looked up at her "wow" was all he could say

"Does that mean you like me?" Gary asked blushing

"Actually Gary I don't know I've never really liked someone before it's kinda a new thing but this does feel different and I kinda like it" she said blushing

"Since when does Ms. Waterflower blush?" Gary asked

"Ever since Mr. Oak did" she responded

"Imagine how much we'll torture Serena" Gary said

"I can't wait Misty responded" with a grin

After Misty doing pretty much all of Gary's homework she said "you know you never told me your story"

He looked over from his bed "hmph not like you want to hear it anyway Boo"

"C'mon pleassseeeee" Misty pleaded

"Fine" Gary said giving in


Hi guys this chapter or rather Misty's story means a lot to me personally because with the exception of my parents dying and me being a player it's actually my story and lots of people may seem weird to you cause their families are different but it's not their fault so please accept them

Pokemon- two players one regionNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ