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He took her hand and kissed it "Gary Oak Pallet's very own player hey where's your dorm I have a feeling I'm going to be staying in their a lot"

Misty looked at his schedule

"No...freaking...way" she said

"What?" he asked

"Same fucking dorm" she said pulling out her schedule

"Looks like you will spend quite some time there" she snickered

She grabbed his hand all the guys and girls surrounding them jaw's dropped

"Misty can't go out with that guy"
"Who's the new boy he's cute"
"A player and a player?"

Misty and Gary arrived at their dorm. It was blue with green curtains
It had two beds on opposite sides of the room. There was a blue rug and a large window on the left side of the dorm.

Misty flopped on her bed "I thought boys and girls weren't allowed to sleep in the same dorm here" Gary asked "that's kinda why my mom wanted me transferred"

"Hmph I've broken the rules so many times they really don't care" Misty said

"I still think I'm the better player" Gary said

"Oh really I bet I could play more guys than you could in a month" Misty said

"Oh really?" Gary said "my record is 14 girls in 3 days"

"Still a beginner I see" she said "try 17 guys in 4 hours"

"You are on Misty, what's the punishment?" Gary asked

"Hmmmm we'll decide when the month is over"
The two room mates shook hands starts tomorrow she told him

"How am I going to tell Jason I was playing him?" she asked with a smirk

"We could always kiss in front of him" Gary suggested

"No....too....predictable too over done" Misty responded

"IVE GOT IT" she said jumping up "I'm going to need your help"


The next morning they were ready.

"Nice we have bio class with him" she said

"Let's get this started" he said

Misty met Jason right in front of the biology class door

"Hey Hun" he said

"Hey babe I just wanted to tell you something" Misty said smiling Jason smirked

"And what is that? " he asked

All of a sudden Gary came out with a banner with girls throwing confetti and a guy playing the trumpet

The banner said "you just got played"

Jason's jaw dropped "bye boo" Misty said walking into bio class

Gary walked up to him and said "stay away from my girl"

Gary didn't know what caused him to say that he couldn't develop feelings for a girl he was cold heartless player. heck he tore people's heart strings for amusement.

After biology they got together at lunch
a bunch of girls and boys came over to sit with Gary and Misty.

"Get away from here sluts" Gary said shooing them with his hand

"How many girls have you played today?" Misty asked

"4 and do I get bonus points for twins?" he asked

"Four nice and twins hmm I say one extra point" Misty said

"What about you?" Gary asked sipping his drink

"4 guys looks like we are tied I guess" she said

"But my twin bonus" Gary said reminding her

"Damn" she murmured


End of this Chapter

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