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Gary took a deep breath in "are you sure you want to hear this?" Gary asked

"Yeah" Misty said quietly

"Well it all started when I was born my parents were world famous Pokemon Professor's like my grandfather. They had me and my sister, they never had time for us they would leave us at home for weeks while they went on journeys.

My grandfather, Professor Oak, he would take care of us, well my sister. her name was Leaf. I spent every second with my sister we look after Pokemon it was our special thing, then one day my parents said they were going to Unova, a far off region, and they said they wanted to bring Leaf she promised she would be back soon, but...but then their plane crashed I remember my grandfather coming in to tell me, I cried and cried, that's why I never really wanted a bond with a girl they always end up breaking your heart, today my grandfather still forgets my name but that's not important I made it through, I survived" he finished

Misty looked at him "Gary?" she asked

"Yeah" he responded

"Then why did you say you liked me are...are you trying to play me?" she asked

"I don't know something about you and no it hasn't even occurred to play you actually" he said blushing

"Let's go to sleep Gary" she said obviously satisfied "good players need their rest"


There he was, in his office, his face slumped on the desk.

"Daddy?" I asked "are you sleeping? Look I made you cookies"

He wasn't responding "Dad c'mon it's time to get up" I poked him in the ribs

"Daddy?" his head rolled over to reveal cold, dead, sad eyes"

"DAISY" I yelled "Something's wrong with Daddy"

She came running in "misty" she said in a calm voice with panicked eyes "go get Violet and play phone tell her what happened to Daddy and call 911.

"Ok" I said unsure of what was going on

Soon the cops arrived they pulled Daddy away in a stretcher with a bag over his body

I screamed and screamed


"Misty wake up" a Gary said

"What? what's going on?" Misty asked

"You were screaming in your sleep never do that to me again"

"I'm sorry I didn't know"

"It's alright do you want to talk about it?" Gary asked

"No not at all" Misty said

"Ok" Gary said heading back over to his bed

"Wait....uh actually....can you uh stay here" she said motioning to her bed

"This will really piss off Serena" he said as he laid down and wrapped an arm around Misty's waist


Hi lovelies

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