somting fo fwiens

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I got watercolors from my mom so—

_Music-Is-Art_ cause chu beautiful, nice, fabulous bean and I luv chu (๑◕ᴗ◕๑)

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_Music-Is-Art_ cause chu beautiful, nice, fabulous bean and I luv chu (๑◕ᴗ◕๑).。.:*♡

_Wildfire_3, chu are the first person to ever vote on my first art book and haven't left since, I appreciate it ❤️

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_Wildfire_3, chu are the first person to ever vote on my first art book and haven't left since, I appreciate it ❤️

_Wildfire_3, chu are the first person to ever vote on my first art book and haven't left since, I appreciate it ❤️

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ShyPotato_135, I saw chu in my notifications while I was doing this and was like, luv chu too ٩(๑˘•ω•˘๑)و

And this was the first test with the colors and the paper to check quality and such on my beautiful mug >w>

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And this was the first test with the colors and the paper to check quality and such on my beautiful mug >w>

Anyone else who wants their headshot drawn?? Say so and tag me in a chapter where the pic of chu or chu persona! (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧

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