Chapter 8

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Rey POV:

    Ben was on the floor staring at his light saber, and I could tell how hurt he was. Tears started slowly streaming down his face burning his skin. They were filled with rage and pain. "Ben?" He broke the chains off my wrists with the force but did not turn around. I crawled over to him and he grabbed on to me and started crying over my shoulder. His tears were so hot they even had slightly burnt my skin. 

     "I failed you...I'm sorry Rey. I'm not good for you. I've put you in danger." He whispered. I pulled away trying to stay strong. " You have not failed me. You did not know this was gonna happen." "I should have though. I should have read the in between the lines. If I had never left I could have stopped him from taking over. I could never hurt you in anyway. I would rather kill myself before I let anyone or anything get close to hurting you." "You are blaming yourself for something you could not control. Just like how I blamed myself for Leia's passing. What's done is done and we can't change the past. But we can change our future. We will find a way to fight back and get free." 

     I held on to his hand and kissed his forehead. I then pulled out the two halves of my broken light saber that I had put in my bag earlier that day. "He did not take it away from you?" Ben asked curiously "Maybe he thought it would be useless cause it's broken." I shrugged. "Well it is useless broken." "It is but, I read up on how to fix it." I replied. "I just need some time and heat." "If I concentrate enough I can create a small force fire?" Ben said. "Perfect!"

    We spent all night re-building the light saber and I was even able to take some of the materials in the cell to help. By dawn we had a fully functional light saber but still no plans on escape. I suddenly heard a familiar beep noise. We both looked up outside of the cell and saw BB-8! He had been captured but managed to escaped and was able to unlock the cell. We grabbed the light saber and quietly started to escape.

Ben POV:

      There were storm troopers everywhere so Rey and I had to resort to using our force bond to talk. I took out almost all of the storm troopers using the force force choke while Rey was able to burst through all the doors with her fixed saber. We kept running but got no where. It had seemed as if the entire design of this ship had changed. We finally made it to an elevator and got inside. It had no controls which I thought was very strange, but we were inside now and had no way of getting off.

     I looked over to Rey who was shaking and very teary eyed. "Hey what's wrong?" I asked as I grabbed her hand. "What if we never find a way out. All we have been doing is running around killing storm troopers and getting nowhere. The elevator does not even have controls, we are probably walking right into his trap. I may never see my friends or anyone again and..." I put my hand on her face. "Hey shhhh it's gonna be okay. We are gonna get through this. Both of us together are stronger than he could ever be by himself. We have made it this far facing a lot worse than one half trained villain." 

    I pulled her close and pressed my lips onto hers as she wrapped her arms around my neck pulling me even closer to her. As we pulled away the elevator opened and we found ourselves facing the throne room once again. I did not see Hux there though or any guards. It was empty. Holding hands we cautiously walked slowly into the room. All of a sudden Rey was flung to the wall gasping for air. "REY!" I whipped out the light saber Rey had fixed ready to strike whoever the heck was doing this. I heard a voice behind me chuckle "Now we are getting somewhere." I turned around to the voice and saw Hux. "Let her go, NOW!" He stopped and she dropped onto the floor. A cage then grew up around her and she was trapped. As much as I wanted to rush over and save her if I let my guard down for even one second I would be killed. 

       Hux took off his cape and ignited his own light saber. It was simple with a plain black handle and red blade. "We fight to the death!" I had to be careful with every move I made. Especially when both my life, and Rey's were at risk. He came running at me but I blocked him. Most of his moves were messy and he was not as strong as he claimed to be. I was able to block almost all of his attacks. He did end up slicing a large cut across my leg while I was off guard but, it did not stop me. I eventually chopped off one of his hands and his light saber flew across the room over to where Rey was. She grabbed it but I told her to stay put through the force bond because he could still hurt her with the force. 

   I went in to attack him but he started to choke me. The choke was week so If I focused hard enough I could get out of his grip. Before I had the chance to free myself Rey had come from behind him and cut off his other hand. "Rebel."I teased. "Hey I learned from the best" she replied winking. "Let's finish this" she said. I nodded and then jabbed him through the heart. He fell to the floor and all was silent. She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around my neck. I rapped my arms around her waist and hugged her as close to me as possible. "Let's go home." she whispered. 

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