Chapter 7

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Ben POV:

    The next morning I got up earlier then normal. I was still sad and slightly depressed my mom was gone but, I had Rey and I knew my mother was in a good place. I went outside take in the early morning air, but then I noticed some strange plants that I had not seen before. 

     They were black, with thorns, and some kind of sap dripping from them. I did not know what they were but I did not want to find out. I still was slightly worried that we would get attacked again so I decided that me and Rey should go do some training together after breakfast.

         I made pancakes with fruit in them for breakfast and finally saw Rey wander into the kitchen. "Good Morning sunshine" "Morning you're up early...again" she said with a small laugh. Her laugh was so cute and made me feel a sense of joy only my mother ever gave me. I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the cheek and a plate of pancakes. 

     "I was thinking, now that you are feeling a bit better physically, maybe we should go out and train for a while? It would not be very intense just maybe a little bit of force training in case we get attacked again." "Sure! I can't do much else then force training anyway because of my light saber being broken in half." "Oh yeah....well anyway, finish up and we can find a clearing in the woods to train." "Alright!" She walked off to get changed and I went to go get my light saber just in case.

     We walked out to the woods and I started to notice more of those black spiny plants everywhere. I decided to stop when we reached a couple of cut tree stumps and sat down. Rey sat down on one across from me and waited for instruction. She was still slightly injured physically, and quite a lot mentally. 

     I did not want to push her to do more than she could handle but she needed to keep up her skills in case we got attacked again. "I know you did this already with Luke, but you are still recovering so I want to go over basic things you have already learned." I pointed towards a bolder that was big but not so big it would be impossible to lift. 

    "Lift up the rock and move it to that stump over there." She looked at me as if I were crazy but then just did it. She closed her eyes and focused all the energy she had on moving the rock. When she moved it she squealed "I did it!" I shoot her a smile then told her to move the rock onto those plants with the thorns on them. 

      I had her do this for more personal reasons. I was curious as to what would happen if something touched the plants. She started concentrating again and dropped the rock on to the plants.

      As soon as she did the plants exploded. We got covered in that black sap stuff that was on the plants, and it became smoky everywhere. We both started coughing up a storm. 

      "What is that cough cough." "I don't know cough. Rey I'm sorry Cough I don't know what's gonna happen but I just want you to know...I love you." "I love you too, Ben." She passed out but I managed to catch her before she fell on the ground. Moments later I passed out as well and everything became a blur.

5 hours later

I slowly started to wake up, then noticed Rey passed out next to me. I tried to go to her but my hands were tied up in chains. I realized we were not on the planet anymore. As I looked around I all of a sudden realized exactly where I was. "Hello Kylo Ren." That voice was the voice of my nightmares.

       I looked up and there was Hux. "General Hux. What do you want? Whatever it is you do not have to drag Rey into it." "Oh but you see Kylo I do.  After you left on your secret little mission, I went through the security camera footage of the throne room and found out that you were the one who murdered Snoke. All because you wanted a little scavenger." 

     "SHE IS NOT A SCAVENGER!" I yelled. If I was not tied up I would kill Hux right now. I started to hear Rey wake up and turned over to see if she was alright. "Ben...where are we?" I looked at her and she gave me a look of shock when she realized where we were. I looked up to Hux, with rage filling my eyes. 

     "You will be sentenced to murder Kylo Ren and Rey when the next full moon comes." "You can NOT kill Rey, she is innocent!" "She may be innocent, but you are not. As part of your punishment you will be the honored one who gets to kill her." 

     I got so enraged that the chains on my wrists broke due to the force built up inside me. I suddenly felt held back by a powerful force but it was not Rey....It was coming from Hux. I was very confused and angry. 

     All of a sudden Hux pulled out a light saber. "These chains may not be force proof but the bars are. Do not try to escape." He then pulled out my lightsaber and started smashing it against the wall. "Uh oh. What are you gonna do now? Not so big and bad now are you. You were not the only one to be trained by Snoke."

      I looked up straight into his evil eyes and realized something terrifying. All those time I would enter the throne room and see Hux talking to Snoke, it was not just battle plans. Snoke was secretly training Hux. He had told me I was his only apprentice. I was very glad now that I killed him when I did but, I still felt a large sense of betrayal. Hux left the room leaving my broken light saber a mess on the floor in front of me. 

Authors Note:

MWHAHAHAHAAH Hux was secretly trained ;3 Bet I just blew all your mind's. Also sorry that I only put Ben's POV in this chapter but his POV was just so long that I decided to save Rey's for the next chapter.

Rose Canyon ~ A Reylo Fan Fiction ~Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ