Chapter 3

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"Come in." My door opens, and I lift my head to see Gary Shepard, my second boss. "Good afternoon, how can I help you Mr. Shepard?" Gary was wearing his usual suit and tie and fancy shoes.

   "Good day, Kari." He spoke with his thick British accent. "I just got a call from the South-Central Police Department, have you ever heard of Matthew Benjamin?" I knew where this was going before it even started. Mr. Shepard only ever comes knocking on my door when he needs a favour or needs me on a case.

  "Yes, I know him. He owns Benjamin's shipping."

  "Yes, that's him. This morning he was arrested for the murder of Harrison Samuel who was his partner. I'm asking you to take over this case."

  "Well, I am very busy right now, Mr. Shepard." I hesitate.

   "I know that you are but this case is going to be a big one and I know you can manage it, you'll just have to work a little more extra hours but then, in the end, you'll see that you did the right thing I bought taking it." I heard this speech a hundred times, Mr. Shepard was always throwing these types of cases on me. He knew I was single so to him, I'll always time for an extra case. Now, my desk is full. I have six different cases working on at the moment and this will just make the seventh one.

"Okay, Mr. Shepard. I'll go bail him out now."

"Good girl, I knew I could count on you." He said with a bring grin on his face.

"Of course, you can Mr. Shepard." I return the smile but mine was fake.

"Now, you run down to the station now and get our man out of there." He exits my office and close the door behind him.

I quickly got up from my desk and grab my red Kate Spade bag which happens to be matching with my red heels.

  I push the door open. "Stop right there, detective."

This man of mid-forties stands from his chair frowning. "Who are you?"

  "Karishma Jones, Mr. Benjamin's attorney at law."

  "Your client is a murderer. We find the murder weapon in his house." He spat.
I rolled my eyes.
  "Detective, you have no right to be making acquisitions or even questioning my client." Looking over my client I said. "Someone could have easily planted that, what gun there."

"The murder weapon was a knife. The victim was stabbed five times in the chest." I shrug I wasn't told what happens just to get down here as soon as possible.

  "Well, someone could plant the knife there as well. I'll be leaving with my client."

"Your client is a murderer." He repeated. I could see all the angry in his face, he was convinced that Mr. Benjamin killed Harrison Samuels.

  "Until the court of law finds him guilty, he's nothing but a suspect, detective," I announced.

  "A guilty suspect." The detective raged.

"We'll see about that, detective."

"My name is Detective Murdock." the dective was wearing an old suit and old shoes. His beard was unkept and tacky. He was probably divorced. Why else would he be so angry?

"I don't care." I gesture to Mr. Benjamin to stand.

  "Little girl, you don't know who you're playing with." He chides.

When Mr. Benjamin stand and walk over to me at the door, I smile at the old detective. "See you in court, detective Murdock. Enjoy the rest of your day."

He rolled his eyes and spat.

I shake my head as I exist the office with my client following closely behind me.

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