CH.4 encounter & moments

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I stared at her with a bored look "so you're the supposed to be the future queen of fiore" I say she looked away crossing her arms "hmph so what?" she asks "your just another stuck up rich girl" I said she scowled "no I'm not!" she shouted "alright let's leave the princess alone" I said "wait may we join you since you seem to know your way around?" terari asks I turn "that is if the princess doesn't mind traveling by foot and not in her royal carriage" I said "only if mr. hothead doesn't blow his head off" she said "sylvia please this is the only way" terari said she sighed "fine only cause you asked tera" sylvia said "great now hurry up pinky and bratty princess" I said as she scowled "why I ot-" "come on sylvia you can't do that to our guide" terari said holding her back she calmed down "relax sylvia remember what daddy said don't release your fire calm sylvia you are water" she muttered "is your father a flame prince?" I ask holding in a laugh she stayed calm "alright let's get going before sylvia starts to release hot fire" terari said grabbing sylvia's hand "do you have a blindfold?" sylvia asks "no" I replied "oh well gue-hey! I can't see!" she said "help! I'm being kidnapped help! kidnapper!" she waved her arms about "relax it's just me I put my scarf over your eyes don't lose it" I said I felt her hug me "thank you mr" she said I pushed her off me "I'm not the huggy type" I said "well neither is sylvia I'm surprised she actually gave you a hug" terari said giggling "well it was as a thank mum always said if your really grateful for someone give them a hug" she explained "oh then your welcome bratty princess"  I said she scowled but stayed calm "oh I just remembered the parents of that princess were your father and your step mother" kris said "now do you want to go?" he looked to me with hopeful eyes "no thanks I have no interest in that cheater of an idiotic father natsu's daughter" I replied I felt hot "that's it you have crossed the line mr he is my father daddy natsu's a great father!" she shouted punching me my eyes as I looked at she had my scarf in her left hand breathing hard with fire...

I looked at her wide-eyed "Natsu Dragneel is your father?" I ask "of course he is!" she responded still fuming mad her fire growing hotter "you're the princess of fiore" I said as she went to punch me I stopped it "you should know both sides of the story before you start judging!" she shouted "let's get a move on princess" I said she glared at me while walking as I glared back we got caught into a glaring contest.


I sweatdropped "oh boy I have a feeling these two won't be getting along" I said "you took the words right out of my mouth" kris said as they continued glaring "so are you a prince kris?" I ask intrigued "yes actually I'm the prince of the thunder kingdom" he replied "oh that is very nice" I said "so why are you looking for prince storm?" he asks "well you see sylvia suddenly visited asking for me to help her run away at night so she could look for her older brother she never really saw her older brother cause he left when she was just a baby in her mothers tummy" I replied "I see she must really want to see him" he said "no I know that's not the reason even if she didn't tell me" I said we spent the rest of the time talking while the other two glared at each other.

kris suddenly stopped as I looked at him "why'd you stop?" I ask "don't know nash stopped me" he replied as I looked at nash confused "ow little warning before you stop next time" sylvia said rubbing her nose "no one move" he said as sylvia peered over his shoulder "it's just a fox it won't harm us" sylvia said "the mother is with it they will attack so just don't move" he said sylvia ran up to it.


I sighed "I feel as if I have to baby sit you princess" I said running after her she bent down "aw~ poor guy you got your tail stuck and your paws bleeding" sylvia said I sighed about to pull her away the father growled at her "sylvia gently place the kit down to the ground and slowly move away" I said "don't I won't hurt it besides that wasn't a growl but whimper it asking for help" she said I looked down at her "how do you know?" I ask "I can hear them and talk to animals" she replied "what?" I ask she pulls me down "gently pull out the wire from his tale while I work on the paw" she instructed I gently took out the wire from his fluffy tale I looked at her she was glowing her eyes furrowed "there all-new" she said smiling the fox let out a squeak running off "what was that?" I ask "you see I have elemental magic since I didn't have many freinds to play with at home I read books and learned new magic" she replied "oh the suns about to set so we'll have to set camp" I said she got up "whatever" she said as we set up camp getting some food "well that was delicious" kris said "get some sleep princess" I said "I have a name you know?" she asks "so?" I ask "my name is Sylvia Kuri Dragneel address by my actual names instead of stupid pet names" she replied "get to sleep already!" I shouted "no you go sleep I like sleeping while staring at the stars" she said "you're impossible" I said "you're impossible too nash also there's no room in the tent sleep outside with sylvia" kris said I grumbled setting my sleeping bag next to her "where's your sleeping bag?" I ask "I don't have one" she replied I sighed searching for one in my bag "sorry out of sleeping bags" I said "don't worry I'll make one for myself" she replied "the night will become cold you'll need one" I said "I'm an elemental mage" she said staring at me I sighed "fine suit yourself" I said.


I was still awake staring at the sky "it's so cold" sylvia said "I told you it would become cold" I said "oh well I-hey what are you doing?!" she asks as I pick her up "keeping you warm so you don't freeze to death" I replied dropping her onto the sleeping bag "I'm a fire mage we don't get cold" she said pointing to herself "just get in" I said pushing her legs in I went to push her in more "oops sorry" I removed my hands from her chest "don't touch me there you pervert!" she shouted slapping me "what was that for?!" I ask holding my red cheek "you touched my chest you pervert!" she shouted shooting up "sorry it was an accident!" I shouted "so you still touched me inappropriately!" she shouted "I at least apologized stop overreacting!" I said "I wouldn't overreact if you hadn't touched me there!" she shouted "I was trying to help!" I said "I never asked for it!" she said "just get to sleep" I said "hmph" she said crossing her arms turning away from me.

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