Start from the beginning

The grounder struggles to break free while Bellamy unties his journal.

"Looks like we found something he doesn't want us to see, Miller." said Bellamy as he flips through the notebook.

"It's our camp. Guessing that all those marks add up to 102. 10 are crossed out. That's how many people we've lost. You've been watching us ever since we got here!" said Bellamy with an loud voice.

Bellamy is still looking through the grounder's journal, wanting to know everything about the grounder that he knew about them.

"What the hell is that thing?" asked Bellamy.

"Friend of yours?" asked Miller when Clarke entered the room.

"Get the hell out of my way" said Clarke as Miller stood in front of her.

"It's okay. Let her through" said Bellamy making Miller move to the side.

"Well if he didn't hate us before, he does now" said Clarke looking at the grounder

"Who cares? How's Finn?" asked Bellamy.

"Alive. Their people will care! How long until they found out where we're keeping him? And what happens when they do, I mean when they come looking for him. They will, Bellamy" said Clarke.

"Relax, Princess. No one saw us take him, he was chained up in that cave the whole time and thanks to the storm you couldn't see a soul on the way back." said Bellamy as he opens the grounder's journal. " In case you missed it. His people are already killing us. How many more of our people need to die before you realize we're fighting a war."

"We're not soldiers, Bellamy. Look at him, we can't win" said Clarke pointing at the two grounder.

"You're right we can't, if we don't fight" said Bellamy.

"Clarke! He's seizing!" screamed Raven from the bottom floor.

Clarke leaves and goes down the ladder, Bellamy closes the hatch behind her. She climbs down to where Finn and Raven are and sees that Finn is violently seizing, after a moment Bellamy is still looking at the grounder with hard eyes.

"Hey! Open the door!" screamed Clarke and banged on the hatch.

The banging continues and Miller opens the hatch.

"Get out of my way, Miller! Now! said Clarke as he fast move to the side.

"What's on this? asked Clarke walking to the grounders.

"What are you talking about?" asked Bellamy.

"He poisoned the blade! All this time he knew Finn was going to die no matter what we did? What is it?! Is there an antidote?" asked Clarke panicking.

"Clarke he doesn't understand you" said Octavia.

"You'd have to be stupid to have poison around this long without an antidote. Which one?" asked Clarke.

"Answer the question!" said Bellamy.

"Show us, please." said Octavia with a soft voice making Lincoln look at her for a moment before fast turning to look at Bellamy and the others.

"Which one? Our friend is dying down there and you can stop that!" said Clarke.

"I'll get him to talk!" said Bellamy.

"Bellamy no!" said Octavia.

"He wants Finn to die, why can't you see that?" said Bellamy before turning to Clarke. "Do you want him to live or not?" said Bellamy.

"Clarke you said it yourself, this is not who we are! He was protecting me, he saved my life!" said Octavia.

"We're talking about Finn's life!" said Bellamy.

"Do it" said Clarke.

"No. Just tell us!" said Octavia as Bellamy uses a knife to rip the grounder's shirt.

"Show us the antidote or you'll wish you had" said Bellamy.

"Bellamy, no. Please" said Octavia.

Bellamy whips the grounder with the torn seat belt.

"Please" said Clarke as she kneels before all the antidotes.

"Clarke." said Bellamy.

"Which one's the antidote?" asked Clarke.

"Just tell them." Said Octavia not wanting any of the grounder to get more hurt.

"Clarke" said Bellamy as he places a hand on her shoulder and she stands up and walks away. Bellamy whips the grounder again.

Bellamy was still whipping after a while before Octavia had enough of this because she didn't want to see the grounder get more hurt then he already was and she owed him because he saved her life.

"Enough!" said Octavia.

"Clarke! He's getting worse!" screamed Raven.

"We're running out of time. Which one? Which one is it? If you tell us they'll stop! Please, tell us which is the antidote and they'll stop this!" said Clarke.

"If that doesn't work, maybe this will. Clarke you don't have to be here for this." said Bellamy.

"I'm not leaving until I get that antidote." said Clarke as Bellamy steps towards the grounder holding the knife.

"Last chance" said Bellamy.

The grounder says nothing and Bellamy stabs him through the hand. Making the grounder groan silently.

"What's taking so long?" asked Raven when she climbed up the ladder.

"He stopped breathing" said Raven.

"What?!" said Clarke in panic.

"He started again but next time he might not" said Raven.

"He won't tell us anything" said Clarke.

"Wanna bet?" said Raven as she takes some electrical wires.

"What are you doing?" asked Bellamy.

"Showing you something new" said Raven, she shocked the both of the grounder.

"Which one is it? Come on!" said Raven as she shocks him again.

"He's all I have!" said Raven.

"NO!" said Octavia wanting it to stop.

"He's letting Finn die" said Raven.

Octavia takes the knife from Clarke's hand and cuts her arm.

"Octavia, no!" said Bellamy.

"He won't let me die" said Octavia.

"Octavia" said Bellamy.

"This one?" asked Octavia holding up a vial making the grounder shake his head.

"Come on!" said Octavia and lifts a vial towards the grounder and he nods.

Octavia hands Clarke the vial so she can save Finn.

"Thank you" said Clarke as she hurries down to give Finn the antidote.

"Don't touch me!" said Octavia when Bellamy goes to touch her shoulder.

Later on Octavia had come up the ladder to clean the grounders wounds.

"I'm so sorry. You saved my life and look-look at the things you can- I never wanted any of this to happen to you" said Octavia as she continues to clean his wounds and places his thumb on her hand.

"Thank you" said the grounder.

"Hey, he just say something?" asked Drew.

"Nope" said Octavia giving the grounder a small smile.

"You know you brother doesn't want you here, Octavia, let's go." said Drew as Octavia climbs down the ladder and leaves.

In Love With The Enemy • Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now