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                                >>>>>>When Athena had gotten back to watching the sky people after a couple days, many things had happened, one thing is that Finn had been stabbed and they were trying to keep him alive right now

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When Athena had gotten back to watching the sky people after a couple days, many things had happened, one thing is that Finn had been stabbed and they were trying to keep him alive right now. But what Athena didn't know was that they had gotten the Ark on the radio and that Bellamy and a couple other teenagers were getting the grounder that stabbed Finn. Athena watched as they pulled the grounders body through the camp and in to the dropship.

"I need to fix this" said Athena and got down from the tree and started sneaking closer to the camp but what she didn't notice was the two teenagers coming up from behind her but what the teenagers didn't see was Elijah coming up behind them and knocking them out.

"Tie him tighter. The last thing we need is this b*st*rd getting free because you screwed up." said Bellamy.

They looked at the grounder who was trying to break free from the chains.

"Octavia, get out of here." said Bellamy not wanting his sister to be here and see this.

"I told you he was protecting me. You didn't have to do this." said Octavia trying to protect the grounder.

"Octavia This isn't about you. I'm doing this for all of us." said Bellamy and makes a cut to Lincoln's bloody and bruised face.

"You did that for all of us?" asked Octavia not believing Bellamy.

"I did that for Finn and Jasper and Diggs and John and Roma." said Bellamy.

"It wasn't even him." said Octavia.

"You don't know that! We need to know what we're up against. How many there are and why they're killing us. And he's gonna tell us right now." said Bellamy.

"No, Bellamy, please." said Octavia.

"Miller, get her out of here." said Bellamy turning away from his sister.

"I was there! I-- Hey, get get off of me! I don't even think he speaks English. He won't understand you. " said Octavia as she goes down the ladder.

"Oh, I think he will." said Bellamy.

"What the hell was that? We under attack or not?" said Bellamy when the entire dropship shook.

"Storm damage, we're ok." said Drew, a teenager from Bellamy's group.

"We're gonna try this one last time. What's your name? Where's your camp? How many of you are there?" said Bellamy.

"Hey, check it out." said Miller sitting on the floor with a bunch of stuff in front of him. Bellamy approaches Miller and sees a bunch of vials.

"What is all this stuff?" asked Miller.

"Who the hell knows with these people?" asked Bellamy looking at Lincoln.

In Love With The Enemy • Bellamy BlakeWhere stories live. Discover now