11. Because I'm Me and You're Hades

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Under normal circumstances, this might have been romantic. But having known the cruel intentions behind such sweet acts makes me feel anything but warm and fuzzy.

He places his other hand on my waist and tugs me forward. I look down, not wanting to even have a glance of his face up close. With a jerk, he lifts my chin to turn my face towards him. I close my eyes shut. 

All of a sudden, I feel his hands drop from my face and waist. Stunned I open my eyes and gasp at what I see.

Cars whiz by me and and I hear two people quarrelling in the distance. I turn around and face the building in front of me. It's my apartment buiding.

I'm back!

I can't believe it. I'm back. But, how?

"Well, that was close wasn't it?" comes a voice from  behind me and I turn to face a beautiful woman with long, golden hair, wearing a golden, flowy skirt and a white top. Her face is so divine, I feel calm inside. 

"Who are you?" I ask the woman.

"That's my mother, Demeter," comes a second voice and Persephone steps from behind her mother, wearing the same jeans she was wearing yesterday. I smile weakly at her. Wait-- her mother?

"You're the one who unleashed the botanical garden in my room last night? Dude, you almost killed me!" I scream.

Demeter winces. "I wouldn't have let anything happen to you. Let us leave the past as it was. You are saved, my dear, that is what really matters at the moment."

"Yeah, how did I get here?" 

"That would be because of me," comes a third voice, and a man with blonde hair and striking features steps out of the shadows, adjusting his suit as he does so. He is followed by another man, short with no hair, wearing tattered clothes.

"Who are you?" I ask the blonde-haired guy. Man, didn't he look gorgeous.

"I'm Hermes, God of Messengers, at your service," he says and bows.

Whoa whoa whoa wait. Too many names.

"So wait, let me get this straight. You're Persephone," I say, pointing to the black-haired woman. "And you're Demeter," I say to the golden haired woman.

"You're Hermes," I say to the blonde-haired man. I turn to the bald guy. "And you are?"

"I'm just a hobo from across the street. I just wanted to see what all the ruckus was about," he says and shrugs, turning around and walking back the way he came. We stare at his retreating figure.

"Okay," I say awkwardly. "Anyway, how did you save me?" I address this question to Hermes.

"I was the one who was supposed to take you back. But you see, Lord Hades was there even before I reached, and I had to hide, so as to save you when the time was right. I saw the opportunity when he was so engrossed in you, that I took it. Now, you're here."

"Wait, can all Gods travel to Hell and return?" I ask.

"No, just me, Goddess Demeter and Goddess Persephone, here."


Wait a second...

"Hades can also travel from the Underworld. Why isn't he here chasing me down?" I ask, warily.

All of a sudden, the sky turns dark and a distant rumbling of thunder is heard. 


Following the weird noise, a shape starts to take form, right in the centre of the little circle that we formed. I back away, knowing just what it is.

I'm Fat and You're Hades(The Greeks #1)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora