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I awoke the next morning to streams of light coming in from my windows and tickling at my face. Somewhat rested, yet still a bit tired with eyes that didn't want to open all the way, I allowed myself to lay in bed for several minutes before ringing my bell to alert Edith. I contemplated the idea of returning to sleep until I figured that if I did, Mother would have at it with me later. I had no idea what the time was, but from the look of the sky outside I knew it must have been well into the morning already.

Sat up and propped against my pillows, I was in mid-stretch as my maid came into the room. She brought with her on a breakfast tray a pleasant surprise of freshly cut flowers as well as my usual morning glass of juice. I admired the wildflowers and welcomed them to my room with a good yawn. Edith was fresh faced as she always seemed to be and had greeted me with a soft curtsy on her entering. The tray was set beside me on my bed stand and I watched lazily as she got to pulling my window curtains open more, further brightening the room.

Glancing at my window seat, I blushed at last night's memory of Harry seeing me so barely dressed in the middle of the night. Knowing I would have to face him again today had my stomach twisting into knots. At least I would have some time to prepare myself before having to go downstairs. It only made sense my mother would have ordered a lavish brunch for today. Knowing her as well as I did, she would have already sent a servant to the guest house to invite the family to eat with us. Trying my best to seem as nonchalant as possible, I worked on picking Edith's mind as she prepared my toilette.

"Is mother awake yet?" I removed myself from the blanket and swung my legs over the side of the bed before taking a sip of the appleade.

Edith glanced back at me and nodded, "Yes, I believe she's downstairs right now in the sitting room last I had seen her," she arranged a small basin of warm water on my washstand and smiled, "I must say ma'am, I was glad to hear your bell ringing. She had warned me if you weren't to rise within a quarter of the hour, I would have to wake you myself."

I stood and laughed, walking to my closet, "Oh, Edith, you know as well as I do I wouldn't have minded waking up to you. I like to think I'm not as fearsome as my mother is in the morning." I threw back a cheeky smile at her.

I searched around for a gown that would be suitable to wear on such a spring day as the one I saw outside. Sunny, warm, and beautiful. I already intended on spending a good portion of the day outside in the gardens again. Anything that would take me away from the embroidering project I had sitting in my fabric basket downstairs would be a welcome use of my time. Although I didn't mind so much working on the craft, my mother's chiding me on my work was something that I didn't particularly love sitting through.

Pulling out a blush colored dress with embroidered flowering down on the bodice and skirt and a crystaled shawl to drape over my arms, I decided it would do me very well. I rested the dress on my bed and stood in front of the washstand, splashing water on my face.

"I presume that my mother has invited our guests for brunch?" I patted my skin with a towel and moved to observe my features in the mirror.

"Precisely. They should be arriving in an hour. We received their acceptance of the invitation only fifteen minutes ago," I struggled not to smile at the image of the King and Queen of Prylia waking up to the sound of a timid knocking at their door from a nervous servant alerting them of my Mother's early request of receiving them. All of us had enjoyed a late night.

"Those flowers are lovely as well. Did my mother order fresh cuts?" I worked my fingers into my face, massaging the skin in an upwards motion as I'd often watch my mother do on herself when I was younger and listened to her long blabbers on the art of keeping your youth. Facial massages were a specific favorite of hers. I frowned on noticing a new blemish on the underside of my jaw.

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