Dead Man Walking Pt. 1

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 John and his brother who was known by the name of Jube, was eating their final meal of the day, in their little cottage, at the beach. Such cottages were quite common in the village. Not too big, not too small, only just the size it needed. Made out of wood, painted in a pattern of red, and white colors. Only the rich people bigger houses, big majestic houses, in front of the normal workers' houses. People in these small villages by the sea, lived of fishing, and what else they could get themselves. Nothing fancy about buying stuff from other people or anything. Only what they could get themselves. People here also helped each other, cleaning the fish's and all. Making dinner, taking care of the children, and all such things that the men couldn't do since they were out fishing. The men normally came home late in the evening, and only wanted to go sleep, when they came home. This village is quite normal. Looks like any other village at the sea, by this time in world history.

 John woke up first. Jube was asleep. John was still half drunk from the night before. The big feast, there had been a lot of beer, and wine. Everyone drank like pigs, as they usually did. Jube was probably the one who drank the least. Jube wasn't a man of drinking. He liked to be sober, to have a clear mind, and knowing what was going on around him. John though, he absolutely LOVED beer, and drinking. John almost fell over for a second, when he tried to get up from the bed. It was made of old wood, no madras. It was too early in time for that to be invented. It was filled with hay. A little blanket was lying on top of the hay, so they wouldn't get hay all over the place. It wasn't very comfortable to sleep in, but it got the job done.

John got up. He went to the kitchen to get some tea ready. He had just put the kettle on when he decided to go and wake up his brother. Jube wasn't half drunk. He wasn't drunk at all. He was perfectly fine, and got up from the bed, as if he this was his last day of living. Jube went out in the kitchen to prepare the breakfast. Bread. Dry day-old bread. Not really giving you any appetite, but they needed something right? Anyways back to story. The dishes were on the table, and Jube was slicing some pieces of bread. Suddenly a loud banging noise came from the door. John yelled to Jube and said he should open. Jube refused. John wasn't very happy, opening the door. He never liked new people just coming in. Into their home. Their house. Their property. But when he opened the door, and saw who it was. He got a different opinion of things. It was Mia....

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 19, 2012 ⏰

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