"Ugh." I grunted when his body connected to mine.

"Sorry." He laughed.

"Sounds like it." I groaned. He looked at me and moved a piece of hair out of my face.

"Are you okay?" He asked concerned. I nodded my head. His face was so close to mine and it's making me nervous. He stared into my eyes, and started to lean in closer. My heart started to race. He looked at my lips then back up to my eyes. He lifted his hand up and moved a piece of hair out of my face. I closed my eyes as he tucked it behind my ear. His hand stopped in place before moving to my forehead. I winced and opened my eyes in pain.

"You're bleeding." He panicked. I must have hit my head on the floor harder than I thought.  Harry got off me and kneeled in front of me and pulled me up and helped me stand up.

"Here sit down. I'll go get the first aid kit." He said quickly. I nodded and watched him walk away from me.

Was I really going to let him kiss me? Was I okay with that? Yes I am!

"This is going to sting." Harry said as he wiped my cut with an alcohol swab. I let out a small yelp. It stings so bad!


"It's okay." I told him.

"Are you feeling light headed or anything? You hit the floor pretty hard." He asked as he placed a band aid over the cut.

"I don't think so." Harry looked at me with raised eyebrows.

"I feel okay right now sitting down." I told him. He nodded as he finished patching up me up.

"Well you could have a concussion so you need to stay awake for a few hours. Why don't we go upstairs and watch a movie or two." He asked/stated. I sighed knowing he wasn't going to take no for an answer. I stood up and everything started spinning while my sight went black for a long ten seconds. Harry held onto my shoulders to make sure I didn't fall again.

"I'm dizzy now." I tried to laugh.

"I figured you would be. Come on let's get you upstairs." He said holding his hand out for me to take. I hesitantly take it. A spark shoots up my finger tips and up my arm. I took and few steps with him before I stopped him.

"Sorry, you're just walking to fast." I told him. He didn't say anything he just scooped me up in his arms and continued to walk up stairs. I rested my forehead on his shoulder until he placed me down on my bed.

"I'll go get some movies." He smiled at me. I nodded and got comfortable on my bed. I curl up in my blankets and close my eyes, as I'm really tired.

"Hey, don't go to sleep. Come on, wake up." I can hear the concern in Harry's voice. I open my eyes and look at him. He has a big bowl of popcorn and a stack of DVDs in his hands.

"What movies did you pick?" I asked him.

"Captain America, and Thor."

"Don't groan, because they are not just guy flicks." He adds quickly.

"I didn't say anything." I defended.

"You were thinking it."

"I actually wasn't."

"Don't get an attitude." He sneers. I roll my eyes and prop myself up on my pillows so I was a little less comfortable, so I don't fall asleep. I watch as Harry puts the first DVD in, then walks over to the opposite side of my bed and sits down. His back is pressed against my headboard with his legs crossed. He looks over at me and smiles before he starts the movie. I quickly find out he out Thor in and I'm pleasantly surprised at how good it is. I wasn't expecting so much humor.

"How are you feeling?" He asked me as the credits roll.

"Much better, thank you."

"Do you want to watch another one with me or do you want me to leave?" He asked me.

"You can stay and put the other movie in. I'm not tired yet." I lie. I just don't want to be alone right now, but I don't want to tell him that. He'd would probably freak out and leave and would probably think I'm some freak.

"Okay. I'm going to go make some tea real quick then I will come back up." He says nonchalantly. I nod and grab my phone off my nightstand and go onto Instagram. When an hour goes by I come to the conclusion that Harry isn't coming back, so I lay down in bed and get comfortable. As I reach my arm to turn the light off Harry walks through my door with two cups of tea.

"You're going to bed?" He raised eyebrows.

"I though you went to bed." I send simply.

"No, I was cleaning up our mess in the kitchen before my parents get home." He told me.

"Do you still want to watch the movie?" He asked so softly I didn't even recognize him. I sit up and lean against the headboard.

"Yeah sure." He smiles and hands me a cup of steaming hot tea. I take a small sip and wait for Harry to start the movie. I place the cup on my nightstand and lay back down and curl into the blankets as the movie starts. I make it through the movie, but once the credits roll I turn over and fall asleep. I think I feel lips on my head, but I'm not really sure.

Harry's POV

I feel so bad that I caused Eva to possibly have a concussion. We were actually having fun before she slipped and smashed her head on the tile floor. My grandma used to be a nurse and I remember her telling me if someone has a concussion that they can't sleep for like two hours. I figured that watching a movie or two would be a good and safe bet. I felt bad that I took so long cleaning the kitchen, but if I didn't my mum would've killed me. I tried my best to make the tea quickly so Eva didn't have to wait longer. Plus I really don't want her to think I'm not going back to her room to watch Captain America. My heart dropped slightly when I saw she was curled up getting ready to go to sleep. I really wanted to sit and watch another movie with her, so I know she is okay before she goes to sleep for the night.

I don't really know why, but when the movie was over I felt the need to kiss Eva's head. I'm glad she was asleep because I don't know how to explain to her why I did that. Because I really have no idea why I did it.  As I walk into my room I want to smack myself in the face at how stupid I've been. Why am I being so nice to Eva?

A/N: Sorry that this chapter is short. I've had a really rough week. My dad broke his foot and is out of work for 6 weeks and he might need surgery to put screws in. And my Aunt got into a car accident and had internal blessings and had to have emergency surgery. Also on top of that work has been really stressful and I'm currently looking for a new job (which if you have gone job hunting you know how stressful that is) Some of my family came into town for support, so I've been with them while taking care of my dad and aunt.

I wrote this chapter as quickly as I could and I hope it's an okay chapter I'm hoping to have the next chapter written and posted by Friday, but I won't  make any promises.

Please take a second to Vote and Comment on this chapter so I know if you all liked this or not. I love to see your reactions to Harry and Eva moments. Makes me smile :) love you all so much and I'm extremely grateful for all of you!!!



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