Chapter Thirty-Eight

Start from the beginning

"We're waiting to say grace." Joe said with a smirk.

"We'll be right there." I answered.

Joe winked at us and headed back in. Sal and I looked at each other and chuckled. We pecked our lips together again before entering the kitchen for dinner.


"Who wants dessert!?" I called walking into the living room with a plate of cookies and brownies.

Everyone groaned. Brian and James laid spread-eagle on the couch, their hands resting on their stomachs. Sal was laying against Joe, also holding their stomachs. Bessy and Milana sat on the recliner, just shaking their heads no.

"I would take one, but I don't want to throw up." Brian grumbled.

"I agree." James said.

"Addison, you're food is too good. Obviously if we all ate a dessert, we would implode." Bessy commented.

Everyone shook their heads in agreement. I let out a small chuckle and set the plate on the coffee table.

"Well, if you ever like taking one, go right ahead. The plate won't budge." I said, squeezing next to James on the couch.

I looked at Joe who was keeping an eye on a brownie. I knew he wanted one, but I also knew his mind was keeping him from taking one. I saw him lick his lips, then wipe the sweat from his face. Suddenly...

"F it. I'm taking a gosh darn brownie, even if it means I'll die." Joe said grabbing a brownie from the tray.

Then, as if someone melted the ice, everyone grabbed something from the tray. This time they weren't groaning from how full they were, they were groaning from how well the desserts were. I rolled my eyes and moved myself to the ground next to the presents.

"Should we start to open these?" I asked.

Everyone nodded as they adjusted themselves from where they were sitting. I looked at the stack of gifts that were under the tree. I grabbed one from the bunch and read to who it was for.

"Joey! I guess you're starting us off with presents!" I said handing him the present.

Joe gave a puzzled look as he wiped his hands and grabbed the present. He shook it, causing Brian to jump.

"Don't shake it! It's fragile!" Brain remarked quickly.

Joe stopped and slowly brought the gift to his lap. He opened it up, revealing another brown box. He gave Brian a not-so-serious glare.

"Wow, thanks for the brown box Brian. Best Christmas gift ever." Joe said bluntly, right after laughing.

"No problem! That's what friends are for!" Brain replied with a thumbs up.

Joe started picking at the box with his hands, realizing after a while that he couldn't open it himself. Sal came over and handed him a knife, sitting down on the couch with a plastic bag for trash. Joe thanked him and carefully cut the box open from its tape. From inside, a small gift was wrapped up once again. Joe let out a groan as he picked up the smaller gift. He unwrapped it and there in his hands was a glass frame. Joe read it and started to tear up. Everyone questioned what it was, leaning forward to see it. Joe turned it over. On the frame wrote 'Only true friends and family stand, one for certain keeps them together.' There were two pictures. The one on the top of the frame showed Joe with the crew that we took for a final run for the season. On the bottom was a picture of Joe when he was younger with his parents. We all awed.

"Thank you Brian. Definitely going to hang this up when I get home." Joe said with a loving smile.

Brian smiled back. "No problem. Anything for a good friend."

I started passing gifts out. This is what some were. James got a gift from me. I got him bow ties of all the different countries flags. He enjoyed that. Brian got a Mr. PoopyButthole plush from Sal which he thought was really cool. Sal got a new flannel from Bessy and Joe. Bessy got a new necklace from Joey. I got a friendship bracelet from James. Lastly, little Milana got her doll dresses from myself. Take that all in? Good.

When there was no presents under the tree, everyone started to pack up. I stopped them, telling everyone I still had one more. I ran upstairs to grab Sal's special gift. I ran back downstairs and Sal was up with his hands behind his back. When I pulled my gift in front of me to give him, he pulled his out as well. I chuckled as Sal gave me a hard smile.

"Merry Christmas." I said.

"Merry Christmas to you too. Open your gift." Sal said.

I chuckled and opened up my gift. When the paper was torn off, a beautiful red box was revealed. I gave Sal a quick glance before opening the box. There in it laid a gorgeous silver and diamond heart shaped locket. I gasped as I opened the locket up. On one part of the heart said 'S+A, 11.9.17' and on the other was the picture we took yesterday, us kissing in front of the Christmas tree. I wrapped my arms around Sal.

"Thank you so much." I mumbled into his chest.

"No problem. Anything for my girl." Sal replied.

I pulled away and showed everyone the locket. They all awed and joked to Sal about his decisions. I just chuckled along.

"Well, aren't you going to open yours?" I asked.

Sal nodded as he started to tear the paper apart. When he had a black box revealed in his hands, he gave me a look of confusion. I stood all giddy in my spot as Sal opened his gift. He gasped and his eyes went wide as he looked at the gift I gave him.

"You didn't! Is this real?" Sal asked.

I nodded my head. Everyone sat confused, trying to figure out what it was. Sal picked up the gift, revealing a watch in his fingertips. The watch was wooden, light wood on the inside and darker in the center under the glass. For the wrap, it was a black leather with a gold clasp to it. On the other side of the watch, on the wood it said 'I love you more and more every second' and under it wrote 11.9.17 and S+A under the date as well. Sal rushed over to me and planted a big kiss on my lips. When he pulled away, he admired his watch again.

"Thank you so much Addison! I'm going to wear this everyday!" Sal said in excitement.

"No problem. Thank you everyone else for the amazing gifts! Merry Christmas!" I cheered.

"Merry Christmas!" Everyone cheered back.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now