Chapter Twelve

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"Big day tomorrow!" Sal said.

"Why's that?" I asked, watching him cook.

"Punishment for Joe. Oh man, he's not going to enjoy this one bit. But I definitely will!" Sal snickered.

I rolled my eyes. "What is it?"

"Now that I cannot tell you. All I can say is that it involves 'parental advice.'" Sal air quoted.

My eyebrows raised as I nodded my head in thoughts. "Should be fun, considering he's a parent."

"Exactly why were are doing it." Sal pointed the spatula at me.

I rolled my eyes. The smell of pancakes started to fill my nostrils, making my stomach rumble. At the same time, Lady came up to my ankle and started rubbing against it. I awed and got down from my stool to pet her. Jealously kicked in because Speckles came over as well. I awed out loud as they both licked my face. I let the both of them, trying to move my face out of the way.

"Okay, okay, I get it, you love me. But leave me be! I'm just a human!" I cried out with laughter.

I heard Sal whistle, then both the dogs jumped over me. I heard the patio door close. I got up off the floor and went over to the sink.

"Thanks for saving my life." I chuckled, washing my hands.

"Not problem. Plus, I could sense they needed to use the bathroom." Sal snickered.

"What, do you have spider senses or something?" I asked with a small snicker.

Sal rolled his eyes. "Ha-ha, very funny Spears." He said sarcastically.

I stuck my tongue out at him and hit him with the towel.

"Hey! That wasn't nice!" Sal pouted.

"You need it once and a while." I snickered at him.

Sal glared at me. I just laughed and grabbed plates for us to eat.


"Let's do something. Together, with the dogs." I said.

"Okay, like what?" Sal asked adjusted himself on the couch to face me.

"I don't know. Let's just do something." I said grabbing his hands.

I started to swing our hands as we both thought. Then, it clicked in my mind.

"A double date." I said with a side smirk.

"Oh yeah? With who?" Sal asked.

"With Joe and Bessy! They are always busy with work and Milana, why not give them a break and go out. The four of us. Just a walk in the park with the dogs." I said.

Sal sat for a moment thinking. I rubbed the back of his hands with my thumbs. He took a deep sigh and looked up at me.

"What time do you want to leave?" He asked.

I perked up with a smile. "Well, I need to shower and change. So do you. So, we'll leave around one thirty-ish." I said with question.

"Okay, I'll call Joe. See if he's busy." Sal said pulling out his phone.

I "eeked" out loud, which made Lady come over to me. I smiled at her and pet her head as Sal was on the phone with Joe. I gave Lady a kiss on her head just as Sal finished up on the phone.


"He said he'll meet us around one thirty." Sal answered putting his phone in his pocket.

I jumped up. "Then what are we waiting for?! Get up, go home and get dressed!"

Sal sighed. "But I'm comfortable."

I looked at him with a frown. Just then, an idea popped into my head. I winded myself up, letting my arms swing beside me. I looked at Sal, who was confused.

"What are you doing?" Sal asked slowly.

"Oh, just this."

I jumped onto the couch, half of my body landing on Sal. He yelped as I laid on him and laughed.

"What the hell was that for?!" Sal asked.

"Because, you need to get ready. And also, I wanted to cuddle with you for a little bit." I said snuggling up into his chest.

"What happened to the hard shell Addison?" Sal chuckled, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"What are you talking about?" I snickered.


Sal and Joe walked behind Bessy and I. Bessy walked two dogs, Joe walked the other three. Sal, kindly, took hold of Lady as I walked Speckles. All of us in our own little conversations between the two of us.

The sky was blue with clouds popping up here and there. The sun was bright with not a lot of heat. Since it is the end of July and the beginning of August, it's starting to cool down a bit. Not too hot, not too cold temperature. There was a slight breeze once and a while, making my skin form goosebumps. My spine chilled, as my shoulders shivered from the slight chillness.

"Addison, do you want my jacket?" Sal asked from behind.

"No, no. I'll be good." I waved it off.

We started heading a different direction to get away from the city a small bit. We still kept with our pattern, Joe and Sal behind Bessy and I. I was taking in the scenery when Bessy spoke up.

"How is he?" Bessy asked.

"Hmm?" I hummed.

"Sal, how is he?" Bessy repeated.

I shrugged. "He's okay. Why are you asking?"

"Because, you have no idea how many times Sal has called Joe for advice. It's crazy! And it's always about coming up to you." Bessy explained.

My mind went blank. I didn't know what to say. "Uhh..." was all that came out.

"I get it, you don't know what to say. Trust me, I was the same way with Joe." Bessy said with a small chuckle.

I didn't say anything for a solid minute. My mind kept bringing in words that didn't even fit into a sentence. All this made my head spin. I was getting angry with myself. I knew it doesn't end well when I'm angry. Next thing I knew, I started to get really light headed. I slowly started to loose my balance, almost falling over. Bessy noticed and grabbed my arm. Then, at the moment, Joe and Sal were by my side as well.

"What's going on?" Joe asked.

"I don't know! We were having our own little conversation then she started getting pale then suddenly loosing her balance." Bessy panicked.

"Guys, calm down. I just need to sit." I reassured.

"Well let's get her to a goddamn bench!" Sal said aggressively.

"Sal, we are in the middle of know where. Do you see a goddamn bench!" Joe yelled back.

"Guys! You are not helping whatsoever in this situation!" Bessy argued.

"My mouth is really dry." I mumbled.

I could feel my eyes start to roll back into my head. Then everything started to slowly fade in my vision.

"Hey, does anyone have water?" Was the last thing I said before totally blacking out.

My Dream Man | Book 1 | Sal VulcanoWhere stories live. Discover now