Mihyo (angst/fluff)

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Mina had overworked herself practicing for their latest comeback. She had trouble sleeping because of stress and wasn't eating as much as she should've been. All of those things had inevitably took a toll on her body. 

They were in the middle of a dance practice, only three songs in, when she had more and more trouble shaking off the exhaustion and lightheadedness. Her vision continued to darken and all of a sudden and thud rang throughout the room. 

All of the girls turned their heads and saw Mina passed out on the wooden floor, breathing but looking distressed. 

"Oh my god! Mina!" Jihyo yelled as panic took over the group. A manager rushed to call an ambulance as the girls huddled around their bandmate. A few minutes passed before the paramedics arrived and Mina was moved onto a stretcher and into the ambulance, Jihyo and their manager following behind. 

Sitting on one of the uncomfortable metal chairs in the waiting area in the hospital, Jihyo couldn't stop her eyes from constantly glossing over. She told herself not to let any tears fall because she was the leader. She was supposed to be the strong one. She was supposed to take care of the other members and make sure that everything is going according to plan. She just couldn't help herself from letting a few tears escape her. She'd been struggling with her feelings for the ballerina for too long and this just broke her heart. How could somebody as beautiful and talented as Mina let her health slip away from her? 

It was a few hours later that the others were allowed to see her in her room. All nine filed into the small space, impatient to see Mina and talk to her. Sana and Momo looked close to tears while the maknae line huddled together. Nayeon and Jeongyeon were doing their best to stay strong for the sake of their dongsaengs. 

With all of the noise surrounding her, Mina slowly let her eyes open. Her head was still pounding and she had to squint her eyes to adjust to the light. She looked around at her friends but shied away at their strong collective gaze. 

"I'm sor-" Mina tried to apologize but was interrupted by annoyed "shut up"s and  "Idiot"s laced with relief from the girls around her. They talked for what seemed like hours while doing their best to avoid the elephant in the room. They decided that it would be best to leave it to their leader.

Eventually, they filed out of the overcrowded room, promising that they would return and left Jihyo and Mina sitting in a comfortable silence for a moment. Mina was the first to break the quiet atmosphere.

"Jihyo, I-" She began but her words ceased when Jihyo leaned in, their lips only a few centimeters apart. 

"Be quiet. You scared the crap out of me Minari," She began. "What was I supposed to do if this went on any longer and something worse happened? Huh?" Mina attempted to speak but was cut off again, this time with a soft pair of lips against hers. She stayed unmoving for a few seconds, still in shock. However, after the initial bewilderment she let her eyes flutter shut and gave in, moving her mouth in sync with Jihyo's. Because of the awkward positioning, Jihyo bending down on a chair next to Mina who was lying in bed, they broke apart fairly quickly.

Breathing heavily, they just let the following silence stretch and then began a fit of laughter just when the other girls returned as promised. 

"Whats so funny?" Nayeon asked, entering first. The two made a bigger gap between them so that they wouldn't be too obvious. It seemed, however, that it was too late and they couldn't avoid Dahyun's watchful eyes. If they can spot a camera from a mile away, there was no way she was going to miss the interlocked hands that even Mina and Jihyo failed to notice. 

When Jihyo met Dahyuns gaze though, she was only offered a wink and a mouthed, "Your secret's safe with me."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2018 ⏰

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