A careful start

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And Lucas? Lucas bursts out laughing and starts rolling around on the floor. I can’t believe it! We just destroyed this special moment of Justine and Demi and he starts laughing. I feel so embarrassed.

 But seconds later I hear Demi’s unmistakable laugh and also Justine giggles. 


I swear to god, Justine and I have the best friends on this planet! No one is more hilarious, awkward, funny, caring and crazy as Marissa and Lucas. And together they are invincible.

Justine and I were already lying here for a long time. After we both enjoyed the silence of the night we started to talk. We shared our feelings at this moment and I was moved to tears.

I am her person! She told me that I am the person that came into her life as the biggest surprise ever. She didn’t expect me at this time, her life seemed to be ok. But we met at this airport and it felt right from the beginning.
I am her person! The person she is able to share the deepest thoughts, her biggest fears, the silliest conversations and the funniest talks. She doesn’t want to shut me out anymore! She knows that her feelings for me are true. She feels comfortable with me and wants to be with me. My tears didn’t get far because she was there to dry them immediately. And it seemed like for every tear that left my eyes she kissed me so deeply that I know that she won’t ever hurt me!

 After our cute and special talk we were kissing each other and holding us tight. I never felt so safe before. Suddenly Justine started to giggle.

D: “What is wrong?”
J: “Nothing, I just think there is a little spy at the door!”
D: “Maddie?”
J: “No, not that little! It’s Lucas and his nose looks like the nose of a pig right now!”
I started to giggle too. This guy is such a silly one!
J: “And now he gets support from Marissa! She is jumping like a kangaroo!”

Seconds later both of them fell out of the door. Lucas started laughing and Marissa was so embarrassed that every traffic like might get jealous of her color. I couldn’t help myself but laugh. This scene was so weird, awkward and funny at the same time! I pulled Justine closer to myself and heard her giggle too!
After minutes of laughing we all finally calmed down. Except Marissa, she was still looking like a tomato. They were sitting next to us and of course Lucas was the first one who needed to tell us his point of view!

 L: “So you girls! I guess Marissa and I are the godparents of your kids one day!"
Justine blushed and smiled. “I don’t think we should talk about having kids this evening, don’t you think?”
L: “Yeah, I just want to make it clear! I mean it is our hard work that you guys are finally a thing!”
D: “A thing? Oh gosh, we are not a thing! Don’t call it like that!”
J: “But we really have to thank you guys! For being the best friends we can imagine! We are both very grateful to have you in our lives! I guess it would have taken us so much longer without your support!”

She is true! Marissa was with me all of the time! She was the first I told about my feelings for Justine, she motivated me not to give up, she calmed me down, cheered me up. I love her! I can’t ask for a better friend than her! And I know it is the same for Justine and Lucas!

We were talking for some time until the movie inside ended and we all decided to drive home. Mom and dad were back too, so Maddie wasn’t alone in the house. While Rob and Dallas offered Mitch and Lucas a ride home, Matt and Marissa left together too. Justine drove me to the sober living house.


It was a perfect evening! What a great thanksgiving! I am so proud of myself! I couldn’t stop smiling. I can’t wait to call Jody and tell her everything!

I know there is still a lot we have to talk about. I mean, we told each other about our feelings, I confirmed my love to her and we even kissed. But we are not together yet. I have a very good feeling about that though, but I think for tonight we achieved more than we ever expected.

Our drive was quiet; we were holding hands and just listened to the music. Once in a while we shared a glimpse with each other. My butterflies started to dance every time she gave me this charming grin.I parked my car and opened the door for her to get out. Demi grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined. Slowly we walk to the front door and set down on the door steps. She was laying her head on my shoulders and I gently stroked her knee.

 J: “What are you feeling Demi?”
D: “I have so many feelings inside of me that I don’t even know where to start! I just know that all of those feelings are nothing but positive! I’ve never been so happy and thankful in my life!”
She was so incredibly sweet! I cupped her face and kissed her passionately.
D: “What are you thinking of?”
J: “I am thinking of a talk I had with my grandpa some years ago!”
D: “Tell me about it!”
J: “My grandparents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary and there was a big family celebration. It was so wonderful. They renewed their marriage in the church and all of their kids, grandchildren and even great grandchildren were there to celebrate this special day with them. Every time when I see my grandparents interacting with each other it is so full of respect and love. They seem to be so happy and satisfied. During this celebration I sat next to my grandfather and I held his hand. I asked him, why he knew that my grandma was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with. It was shortly after Anna broke up with me and I just wanted to know for which person I should search. And then he told me something that I understand right now where I am sitting here with you Demi!

He answered me “Find someone who makes you realize three things my dear! One, that home is not a place, but a feeling! Two, that time is not measured by a clock, but by moments. And three, that heartbeats are not heard, but felt and shared!”
Demi you are my someone! I have finally found you and I promise you that I will always try my best to give you all what you need and deserve! I really love you and I am so thankful that I am finally able to see that!”

Thank you all so much! I can't explain how much all of your reads, comments and votes mean to me! Because of this book I met so many incredible people that I don't want to miss in my life anymore! I am so thankful for those people and I am so lucky that I've found them! Nevertheless I have the feeling that this book is coming to an end. I have a few more ideas that I want to share with all of you, but I guess I will end this book after that.

This chapter is dedicated to lea_xo!  You all have to read her wonderful and captivating book called "The messed up encouter". You are such a sweetheart and I am sure you still have no idea how wonderful you are! You can be proud of your good work, of your ambition and the way you take care for others.  Thank you Lea!

Because of you (Demi Lovato fan fiction)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang