- C h a p t e r 46 -

Start from the beginning

Taj, Tye, Thema, Taren managed to make me forget that I was about to embark on one of if not the most incredible journey of my life. Childbirth. It didn't hurt that Theodora Banks had delivered her five children safely into the world and seeing them all turn out so amazing helped to put my mind at ease.

At the moment, I was in Tey room's soaking my feet in an Epsom salt bath. Her mom had suggested that it would help me to relax. More than that, she'd pointed out that a foot bath was therapeutic. Indeed it was, most of the tension in my feet had subsided. All in all, I was less moody.

It was so insane. When did I get here? Where did time go? How had I been zapped out of my wearisome existence and into this vibrant life with Nicky? For a good while, time seemed to stand still when I thought I might lose Papa, but now, it did a complete one-eighty.

Could you blame me if sometimes when I wake up it takes a moment to register that it wasn't all a dream?

"Pecans for your thoughts." Tey chimed, piercing the veil of my imagination.

"Sometimes, I have a moment where I can't believe this is all real, you know?"

"I know exactly what you mean. Sometimes, I pinch myself to make sure I'm awake." Her emotion got the best of her, for one nano-second. "I mean with what I'm about to do some might wonder if I'm high."

"Screw what everyone else thinks, I'm so proud of you." My words clearly hit a cord because I detected the unshed tears in her eyes.

"Thanks Dee." A goofy grin appeared on her face. "That means a lot."

"Well what can I say, I admire your drive. Going back to school is a big step. You're braver than I am Tey, that's for sure."

"Adaramola Casimiro, you're hella brave. You married a man for your father, survived a horrible ordeal, and any day now you're going to be a mom. If you're not the bravest person I know, I don't know who is."

"Call it even. Without the courage, living your dream can be plenty terrifying."

"Still people can always change their career Ada, but being a mother is forever."

"Jeez Tey take the compliment already." I rushed out, clearly flustered, in addition to giving her a stern look.

"Yes ma'am." Tey paused to salute me, causing us to break out into laughter.

Truth be told, Tey was a force to be reckoned with. Especially, when she put her mind to something. She knew exactly what she wanted, and would conquer it. Once my best friend was passionate about an idea, she would be so driven and committed to achieving her endgame. Case in point, my wedding.

"How are your plans for the future shaping up so far?"

"I won't resign just yet. I will continue working at the restaurant to put myself through school. Once I get my certificates and experience, I'll have to source a place for the business, work on getting some sponsors. I've got some money put aside, but it's not that much to start a business. Taj and I can collaborate for marketing."

Tey's eyes glimmered as she visualized her future, as though she could already touch it.

"By the time I'm done, Taj will have finished school himself and can start off working fresh with my company."

"That would be something else." I beamed. "Taj has an incredible eye for a photography. The second he finds a platform, his carreer will skyrocket."

"Exactly." Tey nodded in agreement, sporting a bemused smile.

I rubbed my belly. "Ready to be a Godmother?"

"Heck yeah! I don't know what's taking them babies so long in the first place." She chuckled. "By the way, have you and Godzilla settled on names yet?"

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