District 4 female - hyperchick6

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District 4 female

Our district 4 female, Violet Anderson is 16 years old.

She has dark brown hair with purple streaks and a little blonde too, her hair is long past her shoulders and stops just before her elbows, it is wavy at the end but halfway up it becomes dead straight.

She has forest green eyes (<LOVE THIS) high cheek bones slim nose a normal lip shape but her lips are a red colour, naturally.

She has cute big eyes and is smarty fast and can jump through trees just like rue could.

She uses bow and arrows as sometimes knifes and a blow gun, being from the fishing district I also think she will be a good swimmer.

She has a little brother named even who is 3 years of age and her mother is a house wife who prefers Evan, whilst her father works on the fish market and likes both his children.

She has no crush at the moment and is skinny and medium height, she likes tight camouflage clothes and she is crazy but mature and keeps to herself unless making friends.

This character is property of Hyperchick6 to be used in the tasks set for the 1st writer games by chloebelle23

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