Life is Full of Surprises 1

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A/N: This is written 2 months after Lana finds out about the pregnancy. Its now the time for Isabella's Sweet Sixteen. Like said in the author notes of the last chapter, in this chapter Lana tells the cast and Adam and Eddy about her pregnancy. This will also contain Bella's party, as well as a big surprise for Bella. Okay that's enough spoilers.

Lana's POV

The early morning drive to set was long and rainy, like always, living in Vancouver your typical weather is cold and rainy or cold and cloudy. I am going in early today because I have the finale script review meeting with Adam and Eddy today and also I'm going to tell them about my pregnancy. I am now 4 months pregnant and its no longer easy to hide it. As I arrive to the parking lot I see Sean's car also behind me coming into the parking lot wondering why he is here so early. I turn off the engine and get out of the car. Sean approaches me "Hey Lana!"

"Hey, what are you doing here so early"

"Oh I was called into the finale script review meeting with Adam and Eddy"

"Oh that is great" I say as we are approaching our trailers which our next to each other. 

"Hey about Bella's birthday the cast were saying since her birthday is on a Friday and they know she doesn't have school on Fridays they were going to throw her a surprise party for her on the set in the morning since she come with us on Fridays."

"Yeah that's great, and I think we should surprise her with the car here on set"

"She will be so excited"

We walk into the meeting and Adam and Eddy welcome us tell us to sit. We take our seats and they hand us the script. "As you guys know Robin and Regina are soulmates and  Marian, Robin's dead wife, comes back" we nod in agreement.   Adam begins to speak, "Also, Regina experienced major heartbreak. Robin and Marian have to move to New York because Marian's heart was cursed and the only way to save it is to cross the town line. Now there will be a plot twist in the two part finale of the season...Marian is not actually back from the dead. Marian is actually Zelena and she is pregnant" We both look at each other in confusion and then look at Adam and Eddy with faces of confusion we didn't know that this plot twist was coming. "Hold on we are not done with the plot twists. Regina..." Eddy says as he looks towards me. "You go looking for Robin to New York when you find out that Marian is Zelena, but you also have other news." I look at him in agreement "You recently found out that you are pregnant with Robin's baby" When Eddy says that I felt a weight lift off my chest because I was scared on how they were going to hide my pregnancy, but now that Regina is pregnant there is no need to hide it because it will not be a problem. "Whoa, that's one hell of a plot twists" I say with a slight laugh Sean joins in the laughter as well as the boys. We were dismissed by the boys but I asked to speak with them for one quick moment. They agreed and Sean steps out. They ask "What is it that you needed to tell us?" I clear my throat "I'm pregnant" they both have smile on their faces and congratulate me. "Well that won't be a problem because Regina is pregnant so there is no need to hide the pregnancy with clothing nor write it into the script." they said and I was relieved.


Fred and I arranged a cast dinner at our house to announce my pregnancy. The first to arrive is Ginny and Josh with baby Oliver after everyone had arrived we all sit down in our formal dinning room. They all serve their own plates. We sit contently enjoying each other's presence and having our own little conversations.

"Okay Fred and I..." I say as I grab Fred's hand and stand up "...have an announcement to make" they look at us with a curious look. Fred jumps in "Lana is PREGNANT" it was quiet for a millisecond before the entire room was full of cheers and congratulations. Ginny comes carrying Oliver and hugs me then says "Oli, auntie Lana is having a baby, your going to have a little friend" I laugh and reach for little Oliver's hand his hand wraps around my finger and he reaches out to me to carry him. I pick him up a bounce him around. As I am holding Oliver, Rebecca, Sean and Tanya approach us. Ginny asks"How far along are you?"

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