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"God Dammit, Draco!" Blaise says exasperated. Draco looks up at his best mate with wide eyes.

"What the bloody hell, mate?" He asks bewildered. Blaise throws his hands up in the air.

"You haven't been listening to a bloody word I've been say!" He groans. Draco flushes red.

"I was!" Draco argues, "You were talking about...uh.....quidditch?" Blaise groans.

"Who the bloody hell have you been thinking of this whole fucking time?" Blaise asks. He isn't really mad, but he craves drama.

"Uh, no one." Draco says, his cheeks bright Weasley red. Blaise smirks.

"Was it Granger?" Blaise asks wickedly. Dracos eyes widen and then he groans.

"I have a crush on her for one bloody year and you think I'm in love with her."

"A year! One. Ducking. Year!" Blaise exclaims. Draco groans and sinks into the couch in the heads common room.

"Keep your bloody voice down!" Draco hisses, "Shes in her room."
Blaise grins wickedly.

"Oh, so I shouldn't say," Blaise cups his hands around his mouth and starts to yell, " DRACO LOVES HERMIONE!" Draco tackles Blaise to the ground.

"Zabini, I swear to God if you don't shut up with your bloody nonsense about Draco loving me then will shove my wand up your fucking butt." Hermione calls from her bedroom.

"Language, Granger." He chides.

"Don't tell me to mind my fucking language, you bloody wanker!" She says, opening her door and stepping into the common room.

Draco stares at her. Her curls no longer wild, but tame down her back. She has a womanly figure, that's for sure.

"Draco bloody Malfoy, if you don't stop staring at me like a love sick fool I swear on Merlins grave that I will hex you." Hermione growls, stalking up to the boys. Blaise pushes Draco off of him.

"Granger, fancy meeting you here." He grins. Hermione rolls her eyes and grabs Blaise by his ear.

"Zabini, tell your love sick boyfriend to stop bothering me and look for someone more his league." She hisses. Draco stands there with his mouth wide open. Who is this women and what did she do to Bookworm Granger?

"Oh, Granger, you and I both know that not only do you return the feelings but-" Blaise gets cut off by Hermione kneeing him in his area. Blaise groans and falls to his knees.

"I'm sorry, did I hurt you?" Hermione asks with a false innocence. Blaise glares at her and walks out of the heads dorms, slightly limping.

"Farewell, lovebirds."

Hermione groans and sinks into the couch next to Draco.

" He is insufferable!" She groans, leaning her head on Draco chest. Draco chuckles and wraps his arm around her shoulder.

"Did you just realize this?" He asks, placing a kiss on her temple. Hermione giggles.

"Soo... You love me?" Hermione teases. Draco flushes red.


"Well, that's great, because I love you too." She winks at him and walks into her room, swaying her hips as she goes. Draco softly whistles.

The doors to the Great Hall open, revealing Draco and Hermione wrapped up in each others arms.

"BLOODY HELL! THEY ACTUALLY GOT TOGETHER!" Blaise screams promptly before fainting. Pansy rolls her eyes before dumping a glass of water on his face. Draco grins and kisses Hermione full on the lips. Hermione wraps her arms around his neck and kisses him back hungrily.

The Great Hall erupts into cheers, mainly from Mr. Blaise Zabini.

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