004 [real life]

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"Goddammit relle, get off Instagram for goodness sake!"


Narelle put her phone on airplane mode and chucked it in her backpack.

"Relle, we're gonna miss you so much!! The squad isn't gonna be the same without you!" Ava brought everyone in for a group hug.

"Guys, you're either gonna suffocate me or make me cry, please stop!!" Narelle wiggled her way out, causing everyone to laugh.

"Did Marvel give you a month to come back and record the album?" Dylan questioned. "I wanna get the album out on time you know, if they didn't we're gonna go there to record!"

"They were actually really nice and gave me 2 months off filming! But I have to film more scenes per day then," Narelle answered.

"You'll be fine, trust me. Anyways, that means we don't have to rush the album!" Ben did his happy dance.

"Tentative release date is 30 October, right?"

"Yea, but after recording we still have to edit and blend stuff. We'll facetime you, don't worry."

"Guys stop talking about the album, relle is going to DC, it's time for a group hug!" Ava dragged everyone in once again.

Once the hugs were over, Narelle slung her backpack over her shoulder and walked into the departure area. She waved back at her squad through the glass that seperated them, realising it would be 4 months till they next met.


all time high ➯ t. holland [discontinued]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن