Chapter 12 Just Be Friends

Start from the beginning

I lick my lips feeling a sudden nervousness at his closeness and my eyes travel down to where his lips rest under his thin mask and I find myself leaning forward.

He starts to lean forward too and I can feel the urges in my chest to lay my hungry lips on his.

"Kakashi! Where did you go?!" I growl at the sound of her voice, and Kakashi as if waking up from a dream shakes his head and he backs away from me the confusion clear in his eyes.

"Kakashi I finally found you!" Saya comes into view and she stands around ten feet away from us.

"Mala?" I turn my attention to Kakashi and I can see him staring at me with concentration.

He goes to say something but I can see his mouth shut again and he turns to Saya and he starts to walk away. But he turns around again and he gives me an angry look.

"We are just friends." He says with as much force as he can and he disappears with Saya leaving me alone outside on the bench.

Again with this feeling of insane sadness? I need to talk to someone about this.

I let the tears fall down my face and I stand up and start to run in the direction of the only other person in Konoha I trust.

I knock on their door and I quickly enter and sigh in relief to see him alone.

"Mala what's wrong?" He looks at me with concern and he takes a puff of his pipe.

"Third Hokage I need to talk to you, I don't know who else to go to with this problem." I say feeling stupid for coming to him about my feelings.

"Tell me what is going on, perhaps I can help you." He says with a kind smile and I collapse into a chair near him.

"Kakashi has a kind of girlfriend and I don't know why but I can't stand her and I have been crying lately for no reason and... and... Third Hokage today I actually almost kissed Kakashi! I actually wanted to kiss him!" I say with tears running down my face. I should be ashamed of myself... 

The Third chuckles and I send him a dirty look as he chomps down on his pipe.

"It is quite obvious Mala and to not have seen it means you are in denial about it." The Third says and I wait for what he has to say anxiously.

"You are falling in love with him it would seem." The Third says simply and I am left breathless at what he has to say.

I am falling in love with Kakashi?!

No... that can't be!

"But wouldn't I know if I was?" I ask feeling hopeful that the Third is just joking around.

"Not always you could have mistaken your feelings for him as something else... Mala just tell him how you feel before this relationship of his gets too serious." The Third says and I nod and put my head back to stare up at the ceiling.

Oh god why does this have to be happening to me??

Ever since I saw his face though things have been different between us... Today with the almost kiss just proves that I do care for him. I wanted that kiss, I craved it in the moment.

But it doesn't matter since he obviously doesn't care for me the same way.

But he leaned in too didn't he?

Yea but after that he said we were just friends, and seriously the man probably wants some all the time! Look at the books he reads!!

"Perfect timing by the way Mala I have your Shinobi Headband for you here." The Third says and he tosses me a headband that I catch and look down at.

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