Into The Woods

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This is a canon divergence from the episode Trinity where Kara, Alex and Lena go into the dark dimension to save Sam, but where three wake up in the actual episode, here only two come back and Kara remains asleep.

The idea behind this story came from @Fandomlove7. She is also my beta now XD
bless you for this :) Thank you for everything. I gift this to you. Sorry if it took a few weeks.

I hope you all come to like this. I really enjoyed writing this :D


It had been a little over an hour since Kara, Alex and Lena had been put under asleep to find Samantha Arias, and Mon-El was slowly losing his patience, and his will to keep his promise to Kara to keep her in, even if things went south.

Watching Kara growing weaker by the minute under the effect of the magical eclipse was one of the hardest things he had ever done in his entire life.

Mon-El heard Kara gasp loudly, her fists clenched tight as though in pain.

"Ten minutes to totality. She can't take much more."

Brainy informed them and moved to bring Supergirl out of the trance.

"Keep her in." Mon-El ordered.

Brainy continued without acknowledging him. "She's only got minutes."

"I said, keep her in." He repeated himself in a firmer tone. One that no Legionnaire would disobey.

Oh how he hated himself for prolonging Kara's agony, but this was it. This was why she had trusted him, and Mon-El would rather die than to break his promise to Kara.

Mon-El paced nervously across the Legion ship's spotless flooring, chewing on his bottom lip, and fidgeting with his ring, all the while his eyes glanced faster than humanly possible between Kara's distressed form and the map on the monitor in the middle of the commanding room which was supposed to show them a signal to find the Word Killers' hiding place.

Seconds turned into minutes.

A soft beeping sound suddenly filled the room.

"It worked! We've got a location!" Imra claimed, causing him to turn sharply towards Brainy.

"Pull her out, now!"

The super smart Coluan nodded fast and wasted no time to rush to remove the white piece from Kara's forehead.

Mon-El's heart was racing way too fast.

Not a second later, Alex and Lena jerked awake, panting. Kara on the other hand didn't wake up with them.

Mon-El felt his heart dropping like a stone.

She should open her eyes any moment now. He thought to himself.

Seconds were passing by very fast.


Needless for him to actually put in words, Brainy reached for his device to scan Kara once again.

"She should have woken up with them!"

Alex and Lena just caught up on what had happened.

"Supergirl?!" Alex gripped at her sister's shoulders and shook them gently. Exactly what Mon-El was about to do, hadn't Alex stepped forward. "Ka- Supergirl, can you hear me?" There was a distinct shake in her voice. Nerves almost caused her slip Supergirl's secret identity in front of Lena Luthor.

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