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Hey guys, this is an update, srry u guys don't have to read this but first off how r u guys bc in great 👍🏻 so little update on my life: I'm still a single Pringle lol, I'm not dead, and my birthdays in 5 days so that's exciting lol 😂. Wow it feels awsome being back on wattpad. Ok so I haven't been on here reading or writing for a little while bc tbh for some reason I just haven't been feeling it idk y. I will try and at least come on here once and a while and just either write a little bit or at least read some of it guys fanfics. OH AND BTW THX FOR GETTING ADOPTED TO 10k holy crabbypattys when I came on here I'm like "the most I'm gonna get is like 50 reads" but u guys proved me wrong, wow 10k I cant believe it. That 10000 reads ten thousand reads. On this one book. Thank you. Anyways lol u guys probably didn't want to hear that " omg thankyou so muuuuch" thing I get it lol 😂 if I could talk to you other than Wattpad I would. Anyways imma go now and ttyl ily 🤟

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