Australian myths

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Ok, so now most of you know I live in Australia. Most of u probably live in America, and sometimes have questions about where this amazing place is. So if you don't already know the answers keep on reading:
1: so I have watched many videos on utube and EVERY time they mention about the kangaroo thing. We DO NOT ride kangaroos to school, that's ridiculous, but every now and then if you live in Australia troll with people and tell them bc it's funny to see their reactions
2: you won't turn up to work and there will be a huge spider at ur desk, maybe, but that's not gonna happen nor is a snake gonna crawl up the toilet while ur taking a dump
3: we don't have shrimp on the barby every night for dinner that's again ridiculous, plus I don't even like shrimp or prawns lol
4: ok so this isn't a myth but it's something Americans realise when they come to the outback, we speak HEAPS of slang, here is a words that makes sense to me as an 11 yr old bc I'm Aussie and stuff: maccas, barby, bottle-o, esky, arvo, mozzie, ripper, servo, shell be right, sickie, slab, stubble holder, sook, togs, tradie, and Ute. I'm guessing I should stop bc hats a lot of slang lol so imma go to the next point/ myth
5:um, what r drop bears? They do not and will never exist.... so if u don't know wats a "drop bear" is, it's a bear that sits in trees and will jump down out of the trees and kill u
6: no we don't have 50 sharks in our ocean lol, they r common tho if u go at the   wrong time
7: u won't turn every corner and see a hobo, maybe
8: guess wat? Australia isn't just sand dunes and deserts, tbh I haven't even seen a desert in my life

Ok sorry that this isn't a chapter, but one is comin soon and I'm working on it. I'm having writers block and having to do my humanities assignment as well so yea. I'm sorry that the chapter is taking so long.

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