Why dont we

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                 Jonahs p.o.v
I wake up early and go into the kitchen to go eat food. I start making pancakes and second after I finish all the boys are down stairs eating the pancakes "thanks Jonah" says Zach with maple syrup all over his face, I face palmed and continued to eat mine. I hop into the shower for 5 mins bc I have to pick aianya up in half n hr

At the airport

I walk up to her gate and wait. She walks out of the tunnel and instantly sees me. "JOJOBEAR" she says jumping into my arms "MY SISTER WHO IS IN A MENTAL RELATIONSHIP WITH STARBUCKS" I say back as she gives me the death stare then continues to talk "I missed
You do much Jonah" aianya says as we walk to Starbucks. We get our drinks, which r of course pumpkin spice lattes bc we're the most baaaassssiiiiic girls in the world

We r just casually screaming the lyrics to taking you as we pull into the drive way "we're here" I say as she looks in the house in astonishment "I didn't know my brother had friends as well as an amazing house no let me rephrase that, YOU HAVE A MANSION WHY DISNT YOU TELL ME" she screamed in happiness

Aianya p.o.v
I walk inside and Jonah yells "HONEY IM HOME WITH A SURPRISE" "COMING" said four boys in unison walking down their stairs-oooooh their cyyyyuuuuute, no aianya u can't be liking these boys Jonah would kill you "Hey" a curly haired boy said "hi" I replied, I examined (is that creepy?) each of the boys then I got to the end and saw this boy with deep blue eyes like the ocean and brown silky hair. I stare into his eyes and it feels like time has stopped, even though it was only a second it felt like I've known him forever "Hey" he says and I died inside with his soft calming voice "hey" I reply looking down "ok so boys this is my sister aianya and aianya this is Zach, jack,Corbyn, and Daniel" Jonah says pointing to each one of them "now just a reminder, you cant date them and they can't date you, you got that" "rlly, I can take care of myself and I don't need my big brother invading my love life now do YOU get that" I reply with a serious tone "yep sure but if ANY of you brake her heart, you will end up in ur grave 500 metres underground wrapped in toilet paper with poo on it alive" he says "ok" they all say in a kind of scared way "sooooo who's the youngster" I say looking at them all "Zachary dean Herron" Corbyn says pointing to him in a very dramatic way "Corbyn, you and I r going to get along very well. Trust me" I say laughing "also I'm off limits I have a girlfriend named Christina" Corbyn says also laughing "oh um no ur not rllllly my type but ur my type as a friend ya know" I say laughing at the fact that Corbyn would think that I liked him "wait, Christina Marie like beautychickee Christina" I say starting to freak out bc Christina is my idol "yea" "OMG OMG OMG OMG SHES LIKE MY IDOL ANDIM TALKING TO SOMEONE THAT DATING HER HOLY MOTHER OF CHICKEN NUGGETS THIS IS A MIRACLE" I say as the boys laugh "well she is coming to visit me in a weeks time so-" he says as I interrupt what he was going to say "SHES COMING NEXT WEEK O.MY. GOSH IM GOING TO MEET CHRISTINA FLIPPING MARIE" i say actually starting to tear up and Daniel runs straight up to me trying to calm me down "Hey it's ok" he says as I look up and start laughing "Daniel I'm fine I'm happy crying" I say looking into his eyes where once again I get lost. God dammit aianya why r you falling for someone you met not even an hour ago, it must be bc I'm looking for love after what my scumbag evil ex did to me "oh ok, good" he says joining in laughing

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