The Doctor

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Sean pov
She slowly fell asleep and I laid her on her bed. I covered her with her blanket and her (favorite animal) stuffed animal. She loved that thing with all her heart. Mark gave it to her when we went to America for the first time together. She was too small to remember but she was so adorable. She loved (favorite animal)es at the time so Mark ended up getting her one. I walked out of y/n's room and quietly shut the door. I walked to my recording room and picked up my phone. I called her school first to excuse her for being sick. After that, I decided it would be best for her to see a doctor as soon as possible. I didn't want anything too serious going on with her body. It was at 100.4 when I checked her temperature. I kept that in mind as I dialed the number for the doctors office. A wave of relief rushed over me when a woman with a sweet irish voice came over the phone.

'Hello, (doctor's office name), how may I help you?'

"I need to set up an appointment for my little sister." I calmly stated.

I heard a few types on her keyboard as she continued to ask questions about y/n. We agreed on an appointment tomorrow morning when they opened. I clicked off my phone and stared at my monitor. 'I probably shouldn't make too much sound and record a gameplay.' I will take the next few days helping out y/n and then I will explain why I haven't been uploading. I also put it out on instagram and twitter telling everyone I was taking the week off.

I suddenly heard a knock on the door and hurried so they wouldn't wake up y/n. I opened the door to see....

"Felix?!" I yelled in a hushed tone.

"Yup. I thought I would come visit you and finally meet your li'l sister."

I looked over at y/n's room and let Felix in. He sat on the couch and I sat next to him as we turned to each other in a somewhat awkward manner.

"I'm sorry to disappoint...y/n is incredibly sick. You could probably say hi when she wakes up though!" I yipped.

Then....the awkward silence. It was unsettling.

"How about we take her to get Ice cream when she wakes up? I remember you mentioned she really likes (favorite flavor) ice cream." Felix asked.

"I am sure she would enjoy that." I nodded.

Memories-Jacksepticeye x Sister!ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now