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Report # 00531

12 Dec. 2077

Ministry of National Defense

To the Commander-in-Chief, His One and Only, Supremo Rodolfo Dantay XXII

Subject of Operation Virtus, 17 year old female has been apprehended alive and is in stable condition after a sustained gunfight with MND operatives. Subject was partially stunned by LeMarc sonic array and was brought down by Wardens.

Subject showed signs of immense intelligence. Reports of DNA analysis will be forwarded to your good office in a few days. Subject has been incarcerated in a special cage below ground for safekeeping. Military clearances have been raised to highest degree to prevent possible escape. Awaiting further instructions.

We thank your good Office for the trust in the Ministry for carrying out deeds for the betterment of the One Philippine Nation.

Gen. Jovito Espalpar

VIRTUS: Unang Yugto (ONGOING)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon