Chapter Two

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Sasha's POV

I never knew why but for odd reasons whenever Finn was mentioned, or any other person Bayley was intimate with it would make me feel uncomfortable and this weird feeling would form in my stomach. But I always just brush it off and think it happens because she is my friend and it's a awkward topic.

"Is he gonna be at the airport to pick ya up?" Becky questions

"No he's in a match right now actually" Bayley answers earning a nod.

"You guys want to go out to eat after we land and settle in? I'm starving and plane food isn't cutting it" I ask while rubbing my belly.

"How are you so small when you eat so much?" Bayley asks and I reach over and hit her.
"Do any of you know nine one ones number?" Bayley says to the other two women who start laughing.

"Bay it's not abuse if you like it" I say adding a wink as she did earlier. Her cheeks heat up real quick.

"Aww she's blushing" Charlotte says in a chuckle.

"No" Bayley huffs

"Yes ye are" Becky joins in

"Am not"

"Are to" I say pinching her cheeks

"It's just cause I have white skin and I got sunburnt" Bayley clearly lies. Charlotte gives a no the fuck your not look.

"Girl, I'm the whitest here and you and I both know you put sunscreen on" Charlotte states.

"Oh so now your a liar?" Becky asks

"You now what screw this, you guys are just being mean to me now, I'm going to take a nap wake me up when we land." Bayley huffs and turns over to her side facing away from all of us.

I mouth dog pile to Charlotte and Becky and they nod in agreement.
I start it first by getting up and hugging Bayley, surprisingly we both fit on the seat so I was pretty comfortable...until a extra two people were on top.

"What the fuck! Get off!" Bayley said trying to push us, but pushing three hundred pounds is pretty hard. Eventually when got off and all smiled innocently and her.

"I feel assaulted" I mutter

"How do you feel assaulted you all just dog piled on me, I couldn't breathe!"

"Oh so now your calling us fat assess?" Charlotte fires.

"And you assaulted me because when you where pushing us away you grabbed my boob." I complain and see Bayley blush really bad and mutter a sorry.

"Attention this is your captain speaking please buckle up, we are now landing."

After we got our luggage we called a driver to come pick us up and when to this little hole in the wall cafe which actually had really good food.

"Do you guys have matches tonight?" I ask earning a nod from all three girls. "Who against"

"Lana" Charlotte says

"Alicia" Becky says

" Nia and Alexa, but they didn't tell me who my partner is" Bayley says

"Well I guess it's me cause I have a match against Nia and Alexa and they haven't told me who my partner is." A smile grows on Bayley's face and she hugs me.

After we eat we head to the hotel which is like last time and me and Bayley share a room but it's a single king bed now.

"I can sleep on the floor if you want?" Bayley says shyly

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