Chapter One

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(Alexander Brown's POV)

Alex trudged his feet into the brightly lit classroom letting out a yawn... ugh Mondays. Rubbing his eyes he took his seat at the back of his class next to his friend, Amy. She chuckled at his state of sleepiness and gave him a light punch on his bony shoulder, "Wake up, dude, we have that exchange student today!"

Alex tore his eyes from the teacher finally getting into the room over at Amy and took in her full face of makeup, "What is he or she hot or something?"

She gave him a scowl and pushed her hoodie sleeves up over her perfectly manicured nails, "Well... you never know," she waggled her eyebrows at him and Alex sighed.

"Role call!" The professor's shout rang through the small classroom and the Scorpio class was somewhat quiet. Knowing his name would be at the front of the list Alex strained his ears to listen over his classmates.

"Alexander Brown!" He heard his name called out and raised his hand.

"Here!" He shouted, thankfully his voice cracking went mostly unnoticed to his peers. Letting out a sigh of relief he turned back to Amy.

"Where is this kid from again?" He remembers the teacher saying a few weeks ago, but honestly, he wasn't paying much attention.

Any smiled a Cheshire cat grin before answering, "Apparently the dude, or girl... but most of the rumors say that they're a guy, is from Russia," her eyes gleamed while she ogled into space, "think about the accent!" She whispered excitedly.

"Amelia Whetstone!"

"Here!" She shouted back, raising her hand in a wave.

"Alright," the professor, Mr. Daniels, looked up from his clipboard, eyes scanning the students briefly, "I know you guys have been talking about our new student, as of late, and I am here to give some information before he comes in here," Mr. Daniels put his clipboard down and leaned slightly on his desk while picking up his coffee mug, "He is from Russia, as you all know, and he doesn't speak much English, so his answers in class will be very limited."

The professor paused to take a sip of his coffee cup, "Also, he's an Aries."

Silence echoed out through the classroom and tension was so thick you could almost taste it. The students turned to each other in shock. An Aries? In a Scorpio classroom? That almost never happens in today's society. Their strictly ruled society that is segregated by their Zodiac unsurprisingly bans opposite Zodiacs from even being friends. Having an Aries in a Scorpio classroom when their signs don't generally get along? Alex suddenly perks up, he's always wanted to meet an Opposite before.

Before anybody could say anything, the door to the small classroom opened and mop of brown hair poked in before revealing a cat tall, and he means tall, man walked through the door. He had broad shoulders with messy dark brown hair that fell down a little past his jawline. Alex was surprised to find the haunted-looking slate blue eyes that found him from across the room. He had worn out clothes with his books tucked tight against his chest, along with a small satchel by his side that swayed when he shuffled his feet awkwardly in the doorway.

The professor quickly regained his posture, because there were rarely any tall Scorpios and this guy was definitely over six feet. Mr. Daniels put his coffee mug down on his desk before shuffling over to the student. "Hi! My name is Mr. Daniels, I am your teacher, and I will be teaching you math, science, and English, all your elective classes will be taken separately."

He stuck out his hand in a formal handshake and at the same time exposing his Scorpio mark on his right wrist, the taller man cocked his head before sticking out his hand in a slow repeat of what the teacher did. Everybody ogled over the Aries mark that stood stark and brand new against the man's arm, Alex winced as he thought about how that must've hurt to get while so old, as a baby nobody remembers their Zodiac marking process. The foreign student, as if sensing the class staring, quickly pulled his long sleeves over his mark.

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