Needed me

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She had been avoiding being alone with me for nearly three months now

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She had been avoiding being alone with me for nearly three months now. It was driving me insane. I missed her sleeping in my arms. She was never rude or made a big deal about it. We still talked all the time and she'd blush when I would flirt. Ronald would throw a tantrum, she'd roll her eyes and Harry would laugh. I would stay awake waiting for her to climb into bed with me but she didn't. Her nightmares kept both of us awake but we didn't talk about that.

I asked Harry if she was okay,he would shrug and tell me he didn't know. He was lying to protect her but he finally caved after the fourth night in row she woke him up with her crying.

"She's never had a boyfriend, her and Viktor where just friends. Ron never noticed she was girl until you came around. I hate to say it but even Ginny had a crush on you. She sees herself as a plain girl and you.Well a Veela wanted you. Can you see why she's hesitant?" He said as we walked the border. I noticed our constant stay in the area was creating trails.

"Yeah mate, she thinks I'm to pretty to want her. Can't help my face mate, but you know I care for her." He nodded and started heading back to the tent.

"Okay, just get her back in your bed." He groaned then his eyes got large. " I didn't mean it that way. Just I'm tired and she's tired. She sleeps better with you then she does me."

"I'm trying Harry. I thought we were connecting but that night Ron came back." I shook my head not even sure what to tell him.

"I hate playing telephone, but she just wants to make sure what she feels for you is genuine not just the product of an intense situation." There it was, the brave little lion was scared of her own feelings. If she wasn't so wrong about me it would be adorable.

"We should move the camp." She said this morning over her cup. I nodded and stirred my tea.She was wearing my old yellow flannel shirt. A smile creeped across my face."Cedric, Are you listening to me?"

"I'm always listening to you Luv. " I took her hand and kissed her knuckles."I'll go scout out a location, want to come with me."

"I should pack up, you know the boys are useless." She laughed nervously and pulled her hand back.I nodded as I sucked my teeth. Plastering the best golden boy smile I could. She knew it was fake.

"Of course Luv." I grabbed my coat as I stood up. "Please stay safe. I'll send a patronus. when I find a spot." I kissed the top of her head and she hugged me.

"I will. You be safe to. " She stretches up to put a hat on me and then kissed me quickly. I couldn't help but smile at her. A genuine smile.

"Always." I gave her a wink and she shook her head.She gave me a hit, Harry walked back in with Ron.

"Hey, mate I'm going to go scout out a new campsite." He nodded as he yawned and crashed into the cot. I chuckled and walked out as the angry red head came grumbling past. As a general rule we tend to not be in the same area for very long. I finally understand why the twins are so cruel to him.

I enjoyed the walk and couldn't get the smile off my face. She actually kissed me again. Maybe she starting to believe me. A scream came from behind me. Hermione.I ran as fast as my legs could take me just to be greeted with snatchers holding my friends. I slid to ground hiding under some brush. Harry face was swollen and Ron hair was brown, my smart girl. Her hair was wound around a man hand.

"Let's take them to Lucius." With a crack they were gone. I need to stop and think. Charging ahead like a bull wouldn't help anyone. They have her my beautiful little genius. Of course, I pull the false galleon out of my pocket. The one she created and we all still used. I think of a place in the muggle world. We have to be quick, she's counting on me.

"What's happened,where is everyone?" Sirius began questioning me as soon as their feet touched the ground.

"Snatchers grabbed them, they're heading to Malfoy Manor." He grabbed my collar and pushed me against the wall.

"What do you mean, I trusted you with my godson.Where you to busy flirting to protect him?" He was like a rabid dog and Remus pulled him off me.

"Sirius calm down this won't help.You know Cedric and Hermione would never put Harry at risk." The kind Professor stood between us defending me to his oldest friend.

"I can't lose Harry too. Moony, we have to go get him."  His voice was cracking.

"Sirius calm down, flying off the handle won't help him. Cedric I'm assuming you have a plan." He looked at me still holding his friend back.

"I think I do but I'm going to need Dobby." They nodded their heads and I told them the rest of the plan.

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