No one else

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I woke up and she was still curled up against me

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I woke up and she was still curled up against me. Her fingers holding my shirt. She looked so relax I hate to wake her up. I uncurled her fingers and she groaned softly as I slowly got out leaving her the whole cot. She stirred a little but stayed asleep. I went to my bag and pulled out some coffee and a kettle.

"Thank you for waking up before Ron. I didn't want to deal with his dramatic arse." Harry said as I handed him a cup.

"I would have dealt with it." I grumbled as I made the coffee."Are they together? Because I'm getting mixed signals from the both of them." After the coffee was made I pulled out some granola bars and handed him one. He took it and shrugged.

"I don't know, why do you ask?" He growled as he sipped his coffee.

"It's not important right now, let me see the locket." I asked him to hand it over he does so hesitatingly. "Harry are you okay?"

"I don't like how it makes me feel." He replied his face already looking much more relaxed.

"Well it is containing a piece of a dark soul, can't imagine it would give you warm and fuzzy feelings. "He rolled his eyes at me and shook his head. " None of us should wear it more then six hours at a time."

"That's probably a good idea." He agreed quietly as Ron started stirring. "Do you want me to stay up with you two until Hermione wakes up."

" We're big boys we can handle it. You need to get some rest." Harry nodded his head and went to his cot. I got a cup of water and another granola bar and put it by Ron. He's not going to feel good when he wakes up. The ginger started groaning and sat up with a pained face. I pointed to the cup and bar.

"Where's Hermione." He asked refusing to take the cup or breakfast bar.

"She still sleeping. Do you need anything?" I asked trying to be nice but it was hard. "Anything I can help you with?"  He glared at me and looked over at her sleeping in my cot.

"Hermione wake up." He yelled waking her from her peaceful sleep. Now was my turn to glare at him. She looked over at me and smiled. " I'm hurting pretty bad Mione." He held his injured shoulder. She sighed and got up to check on him. 

"It's okay, here drink this." She picked up the water I left him. He let her bring the cup to him. He pulled her to sit next to him and laid in her lap. I brought her the dittanny, she took it from me and smiled.

"Thank you Cedric." I nodded and went for a walk to check the wards. I could feel myself being jealous and petty and I didn't like it. To try to clear my mind I tried to name all the mythical creatures I could. Once I reached the end of that list. I decided to go fishing in the creek for some dinner.  I went back to the tent to get my fishing supplies.

"Mione bring me some tea. I would but my shoulder still hurts." She sighed and went into her bag and got a tea bag to make him some.

"You're back." She said quietly with a happy smile.

"Just getting some things." I said coldly as I got my things. I could hear her follow me.

"Mione my tea." Ron whined and her steps went back to the tent. Making it to the creek I began fishing or at least trying to. Trying not to think about her brown eyes or the way she fit against me so well.

"He's always been a bit of a baby when it comes to injuries." Harry voice came from down the hill. He handed me a thermos of tea."She's worried about you being out here by yourself." I shook my head and handed him the fishing pole taking the thermos from him.

"You were right about this bloody locket. We need to destroy it." I said leaning back drinking the tea she sent me.

"I know.Want to try right now or wait for them." He gave up trying to figure out how to fish.

"Let's try on our own. Let's Ronniekins heal in peace." I could feel the sarcasm rolling off me. "We really need to destroy this."

Harry nodded and pulled out his wand. After the both of us performing every spell,jinks and hex we can think of but nothing worked. I put the bloody thing back on and we sat on the cold wet dirt panting from exhaustion.

" We should probably get Mione advice on this." He said as he helped me up.

"Yeah if Ron is done treating her like his nursemaid." I gruffed out."I'm sorry I'm not like this." Harry put his hands up and shrugged.

"It's the locket. Let's get it to the tent and let someone else take it for awhile." I nodded and headed to the too small tent.

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