Chapter 14~ Hell No

Start from the beginning

"I missed you too, love. If it wasn't for my mum and that guard named Niall, I wouldn't have gotten to you." I say and he pulls away form the hug to look at me.

"You met Niall? He is my best mate. Really the only one I have." He says and I smile.

I don't know which one of us leaned in first but before I knew it, our lips were moving together in sync.

We parted to catch our breaths a minute later and we both had huge grins on our faces.

"We have to get out of here prince Harry." I say backing up and holding out my hand for Harry to take it.

"We can't, Prince Lou." He says with a sad smile on his face.

"Oh but we can." I say and he rasies an eyebrow in confusion. "All thanks to our mums, of course. Oh and your sister." I say with a grin on my face.

"So what's the plan?" He asks and I smile.

"We are heading to America!"
As we were sitting on the plane, Harry turned to me and smiled a bit.

"What are you smiling about?" I ask and he smiles wider.

"I watched the wedding. Eleanor and my dad looked so pissed when you said no." Harry says and we both chuckle.

"I believe it was 'hell no'" I say and we both laugh harder.

"What are you boys laughing about?" I hear a familiar feminine voice say and we turn to see Anne and my mum standing there.

"Mum!" We both say at the same time and we hug our mums even though we saw them just a couple of hours ago. We both are just so grateful to have them do this for us.

"You boys ready for America?" Anne says and we both nod our heads eagerly like little kids.

"Well, we are off to Nebraska!" My mum says and Harry and I look at her confused.

"Where is Nebraska at? I've never heard of it before." I say and both women laugh.

"That's the point. No one will know where we are. That's where Gemma lives for that reason." Anne explains and Harry and I both understand her logic.

"I can't wait to see Gemma again!" Harry says and I can't help but to smile at this cute boy.

Damn, we have known each other for like three weeks and I am absolutely head over heels for him!

"Harry?" He hums in response. "Will you be my boyfriend?" I whisper and he grins really big.

"Of course, Lou." He breaths, not wanting to disturb our little bubble.
It's not long before we make it to Nebraska. Well I mean it was, but it didn't feel like it considering I slept the whole time.

"Do Gemma is meeting us out there?" Harry asks Anne as we land in a private runway.

"Yup." Anne says in response and Harry nods his head, indicating he hear her.

"Alright, get your stuff and let's get off this plane!" My mum says and we all do so.

When I walk down the steps of the plane, I see a girl that looks like Harry. Definetly Gemma.

"Gemma!" I hear Harry exclaim behind me and he rushes to hug his sister.

"Harry! It's so good to see you! I have missed you so much!" She says and they hug each other tightly.

"Gemma!" I hear Anne say and before I knew it the three of them were in one big hug.

"Gemma, I'd like you to meet Louis, my boyfriend." Harry says with a huge grin on his face when he breaks away from the hug.

"Nice to meet you Louis. I saw the wedding. Her reaction was great! I've always disliked her." Gemma says and pulls me in for a hug.

"She's not even our full sister. She's a half sister. My dad had her with some other girl, but she didn't want kids so dad just kept her." Harry says and my mum and I look at him in shock.

"Well that's some interesting information. And you knew about this Anne?" My mum says.

"Yeah. I just thought it wouldn't be good to divorce him because that would be awful looking for the country." Anne explains and we all give her sad smiles.

"Well onward to your new home!" Gemma says and that makes everyone chuckle.
This is amazing! Anne and my mum share a flat, Gemma has her own, and Harry and I share a flat! This is so great!

"I'm so glad all of this worked out." Harry says cuddling up to me while we lay in bed.

"Me to, Haz. Me too."

"We can't prince Lou." Larry Stylinson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now