Chapter 2~ "Lou, they're here!"

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Today is the day that I am gonna meet my future wife. I didn't know which part of that sentence sounded worse to me. The fact that I hadn't met her yet, or that it was a girl in general.

"Lou, they're here!" I ran downstairs, not wanting to be here at all. The doors opened. The first thing that caught my attention were two green eyes looking right at me. I then realized that they were not Eleanor's. Shit. They weren't hers at all. They were her brother, Harry's eyes. I immediately looked away. I then met a pair of brown eyes, not as appealing as the green ones. "Nice to finally meet you, Mr and Mrs Styles!" I jumped at the sound of my mum's voice. "Please, call us Desmond and Anne!" "Thank you! You can call me Jay and can call my husband Mark! Oh, and this is Louis!" "Ah! Yes!" This guy seemed too happy to meet me. "I have heard so much about you, Louis! Well, this is Harry and Eleanor!" Harry blushed a little. God, he was so handsome! He was tall and had beautiful brown, curly hair and then his eyes. Those gorgeous, vibrant green eyes. I couldn't stop looking at him.

All of a sudden, I felt someone's hand in mine. I looked over and a set of brown eyes were looking at me. "I'm excited to get to know you prince Louis!" Eleanor said in an annoying, high pitched voice. "Me too." I forced a smile on my face. There was an awkward silence. "Well, let's go have dinner!" My mum finally spoke up to break the tension.

"We can't prince Lou." Larry Stylinson fanficWhere stories live. Discover now