Chapter 1~ Big News

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"Lou! Get down here! We have some news for you!" "Alright, mum! I'm comming!" What type of news, I thought to myself. Being the prince of England, anything was possible.

"So, the news is... that... um..." Jay looked down. Uh oh, I thought to myself. I am not gonna like this. "Well, we found a princess for you to marry." I was shocked! "I thought you guys said that I didn't have to be betrothed to anyone because of Lottie falling in love with that Russian guy or whatever!" I really couldn't believe it! Once my little sister, Lottie, met and fell in love with that Russian prince, Alexei, my parents told me I was off the hook and could marry anyone I wanted. So what happened to that?

"Well, um, you see, the country is in major debt and-" I cut her off. " So why can't Russia help us or whatever!?" I was furious. "Well, see, that's the thing. They won't help us unless you marry the princess of Ireland." "Why?" I was so confused! "They have been fight with each other a lot lately and if you are connected with them, we can stop it and Russia will help." I really couldn't believe it.

"So what is her name, and when do I have to meet her?" I finally managed to spit that much out. "Well, her name is Eleanor, and her, her brother, Harry, and her parents are coming tomorrow." "WHAT?!?!" I couldn't believe that my mum didn't tell me ahead of time! "Yup, tomorrow." She said this, while completely ignoring how upset I am. "Her and her family will be staying here for a while." Great. I couldn't wait.

Author note: sorry if there are any grammar or spelling mistakes and it is my first time writing something like this so sorry if it is awful!

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