Chapter 13~ What Do We Do Now

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"So, what has happened scince I've been unconsious?" Harry asks. We are laying in the hospital bed, our limbs tangled together.

"I'm not quite sure myself, actually. But I do know that Eleanor freaked out on me the day you got hit. Her and Matthew are together now I guess? And yeah. I'm not quite sure about anything eles." I say with a shrug.

Harry looks at me with his mouth open. "So she just left you? For the driver that almost killed me?" He asked I just nodded. I contemplated telling him about Eleanor's plan. I decided he would find out eventually and it would be best if I told him.

"Also, uhm. So, Eleanor kind... uhm...planedforyoutogetrunoverbymatthew." I said quickly and he looked at me with a confused expression taking over his face. "Eleanor... planed for you to get run over by Matthew. To like, ya know 'get you out of the picture' I said, not looking at Harry.

"That bitch! She tried to kill her only brother, just so she could have you, yet still went of with some other guy!?" Harry exclaimes.

"I guess." I whisper and his face softens when he looks at me.

"Louis, what are we gonna do now?" He whispers. Hm. I haven't thought of that.

"I'm not sure. I bet Eleanor will easily sign the papers calling off the marriage. Then our mums just have to get our dads to sign the papers for calling off the marriage and for the... uhm..... divorces." I said, kinda sad about the last part. I just truly hope our mums aren't leaving them just because of us.

Harry just nods and snuggles in closer to me. We sit there for a long time. I heard a soft snores escaping the younger boy's mouth. I smiled at the boy. I have fallen so hard for this boy, and I have only known him for two weeks!
"Louis, you're father would like to speak to you." A guard said as he came in the room, eyes widening slightly at the sight of Harry and I cuddled up.

"Alright. Tell him I'll be up to his study in a minute." I sigh and the guard nods.

"Alright, I'll be right back, Haz." I said and he nodded, still tired from all the resting he had to do today.

I got out of the bed and make my way upstairs to my father's study.

"You wanted to talk to me, dad?" I say as I slightly knock on the door and walk in. He nods his head and motions for me to sit down.

"So. Harry's dad told me about you and Harry cuddling up in the hospital bed today. What was that all about?" I froze slightly and looked at him with wide eyes.

"We are just friends. He needed someone, so I was there for him." I say with as much confidence as I could muster.

"Don't fucking lie to me, you little shit! Stay away from Harry! You are still marrying Eleanor! I will not have a faggot for a son! Maybe this will help you." He said getting out of his chair.

"W-what are y-you doing?" I asked, frightened.

"I'm gonna beat the gay out of you!" He said simply and I felt a fist collide with my stomach. I doubled over in pain. The hits kept coming.

All of a sudden they stoped. I look up to see my dad coming towards me with a vase. I knew what he was going to do but I could barely move.

The vase shattered over my head and I groaned in pain again.

"Now get out of here and don't you dare tell anyone about this!" He said.

I quickly get up, wincing at the pain. I hurried out of the room. I went down to the hospital room, of course.

I ran in and when the door closed, I fell to the floor crying. One because I wa sin so much physical pain. But also because it was my own dad who caused it.

"Louis! What happened, love!?" Harry said, rushing over to my side to comfort me.

"M-my d-dad! He! He! I..... He b-beat me. T-told me he w-was beating the g-gay out if me!" I sobbed and Harry just pulled me closer to him, whispering sweet nothing's in my ear.

"Let's go lay down, love." I nodded and we got up, going over to the bed. We got cuddle up with each other and within five minutes of Harry whispering in my ear, I fell into a deep sleep.
I woke up feeling cold. There was a bright light over my head and I could barely open my eyes. When I finally did, I realize that I am not in the room I fell asleep in. And I'm by myself. Where is Harry?

"Oh, hello, sir. Glad to see you awake." A nurse says as she walks in. She has long brown hair that is tied up in a ponytail. Her eyes are a soft brown colour.

"You can call me Louis. And why exactly am I here? And where is Harry?" I ask. She sighs before sitting down in a chair next to my bed.

"You are here because you got a concussion and you were in a coma." She stated, ignoring the question about Harry.

"How long was I in a coma for, exactly?" I ask. I can't believe I was actually in a coma. All because of my dad?

"A couple says. You passed out on Tuesday. It is now Friday." She says, and writes something down on her clipboard.

"And where is Harry?" I say, worries about his well being.

"He is gone. Him and his family left yesterday. He was absolutely heart broken." She says. And leaves the room. She just leaves! What the hell?

Then it hits me. Harry is gone. He's gone. I didn't get to say goodbye. I need to talk to my mum.

I push the little button to call the nurse in. She comes in and she still has a clipboard in her hands.

"Yes, sir?" She asks.

"First of all, it's Louis. Second of all, what's your name. Third of all, can you get my mum to come in here?" I say all at once.

"Of course, Louis. And my name is Sophia. I'll go get your mum."

She leaves the room and before I know it, my mum comes walking in. Her face is red and her eyes are puffy. Obvious signs that she has been crying.

"Mum. Why is he gone?" I ask, voice wavering.

"Your father is still making you marry Eleanor. He said Harry is a distraction so he sent him home. You will be married tomorrow. See you then, Louis." She says and leaves the room.

What the hell was that!? My Harry is gone. And I have to get married tomorrow. Why couldn't Harry and I just stay together?

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