The bell rings, dismissing class and Van rushes out of the class before I get a chance to ask him what's wrong, but I already have a feeling it's about his parents. I would ask him if he wants to talk about it, but I have a feeling that he doesn't want to. I guess I understand that though, I mean, if my dad was having an affair, I wouldn't want to talk about it either. I'd be too pissed off and angry.

I push those thoughts out of my head and as I'm walking out of the classroom, Mr. Brenan asks me if I can talk to me.

"So, what's this about Mr. Brenan?" I ask, politely.

"Well, I've notice your improvement in my class, I just wanted to know how you're doing it?" he asks.

"I asked Van to help me, he's pretty awesome in this class apparently."

"That's another thing I'd like to discuss with you. I've noticed in class that you and Mr. Taylor, are close friends, so I wanted to ask you why he's helping you do so good and his grades are dropping."

What? "What do you mean, Mr. Brenan?" I ask, a little confused.

"He's a very smart boy, but I've noticed his grades, not only dropping significantly in my class, but all of his classes. I know it's not my place to ask you this, but is everything going okay at home for him?"

I shrug. "I don't know anything about that. Honestly, even if there was something, I'm sure he wouldn't tell me," I lie. Well, it's not a whole lie, but I'm sure there are a lot of things Van is leaving out, for instance, the slut his dad is screwing.

"Okay, well, that's all I wanted to talk to you about," he says, then letting me leave his class.

His grades are dropping? Why would his grade in Calculus be dropping, he's doing his homework in that class because when he helps me with mine, I see him working on his. And what did Mr. Brenan mean by 'very smart boy', Van's grades are lower than mine, or at least that's what he tells me and the guys. Something's up with him, he's not telling me something and it obviously has him distracted.

At lunch, I set my tray down on the table across from Van and take the open seat in between Lia and Kyle. Michael's on the other side of Lia, Mitch, Nathan, and Dex are on the side with Van, but there's a open seat next to Van, probably for Kendall. Gosh, just thinking her name makes me mad.

I start eating my food when my cell phone vibrates in my pocket. I pull it out and read the screen. It's a text message from Evan. No way! I figured that he would just blow me off or something. I slide my phone up and read it.

Evan: Hey, we should do something Saturday.

Me: Yeah. Call me some time tonight and we'll talk.

I slide my phone back in my pocket and look up to Lia staring at me.

"Was that him?" Lia asks with a smile on her face.

"Him who?" Kyle asks me.

Great, Lia and her big fat mouth. I shrug and answer, "just this guy."

"Guy?" Van asks across the table.

I nod. "Yeah, I met him at the beach yesterday," I say.

"So did he ask you out because if he did than you and I can go shopping some other time, I don't want-"

Kyle starts choking on his sandwich "You're going shopping?" Kyle asks, breathing again. Suddenly the whole table is listening.

"Yeah?" I answer, unsure as to why everyone is so surprised.

"What school does he go to?" Van asks.

I shrug. "He transferred from NYU, but didn't tell me where."

"He's in college?" Dex asks. "Damn, that's why she never dates any of the guys around here, she likes them older," he laughs and him and Mitch do the guy handshake.

I roll my eyes, idiots. "Yeah."

"So, that makes him...?" Van asks, meaning his age.

"Twenty-one," I answer annoyed. "Are we done playing twenty questions now?"

Then Kendall comes and sits down next to Van. "Hey, everybody and Abby," Kendall says rudely.

"Not eating again, Kendall?" I ask, in a bitch tone. "What else is new?" I add, sarcastically.

"I eat," she says defensively.

I start to say something, but somebody else does. "The last time I checked, laxatives weren't in the food pyramid," Lia smirks, Kendall looks appalled, while, Van is zoning out, not paying attention to anything.

I laugh. "Dude, that was a good one. I'm surprised I didn't think of it," I tell Lia.

"Van, aren't you going to say something?"

"It's Vance," Van corrects, subconsciously. The look on his face tells me that he's thinking deeply about something.

"Then why does she get to call you Van?" Kendall asks, pointing to me.

She has a point, why doesn't anybody else call him Van? "You know, that's a good question," I point out.

Van hesitates before answering. "You started it, I just figured it was your thing. Like with Kyle and the nicknames you give him," he explains.

"Yeah," I agree. "It's mine, I own it," I smile vindictively.

"You know what, Vance, you act more like her boyfriend than you do mine," Kendall says, actually looking hurt, but I thought the tin man didn't have a heart?

Van laugh and I both laugh and we both say something at the same exact time.

Me: No he doesn't.

Van: No I don't.

Kendall looks at Van then me and back at Van. "What were you doing last night?" She asks him and all the laughter stops.

"Sleeping," he answers, trying to keep himself out of trouble.

I hold back laughter and a bitch comment because it's probably not the best time for my comedic relief.

"Sleeping where?"

"Oh, if you're looking for a certain answer, I'll give it to you," I say and Van looks straight at me. "You see, Van came over and we had mad, hot, hate sex," I joke.

Van grins. "Whoa, whoa, where the hell was I during mad, hot, hate sex?" he asks, jokingly...I think. I laugh, uncontrollably.

Kendall shoots up out of her chair. "See?! This is what I'm talking about! You two are so-"

"Babe, chill, we're just joking," Van says, trying to calm her down.

"Yeah, well your joking hurts," she says, her eyes starting to water as she walks out of the cafeteria and Van follows her out. He's so whipped.

Maybe this is what she gets for cheating on him. We're friends, we joke around, this is how it always is. There's nothing to flip a biscuit about. Nothing at all...

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