Chapter 2: New "Friends"

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She rushed forward looking for... for... her! She spotted Beatrix, her best friend. She ran over to her. Both embraced in a hug, after that she looked at the returning men. One Blitz with scorch marks, two Knights, and around a dozen or so men. "So few have returned," she said, next she was then hit by a wave of emotions sadness, and hopelessness. 

Beatrix sighed, "It was a trap, but I had my orders to push through, then out of nowhere they came from all directions. They tried to force us deeper into the Tartarus, it seems that the Bloodthirsty have a new leader."

She didn't like this, she straightened Beatrix's orange-red cape. "Well, you better go and report to Constantine." Beatrix nodded, replying with I know. The Righteous had purified Razogoth's Grave of Blight and now set up a defense perimeter around the entrance of the Tartarus Core.

As Beatrix began to make her way to the meeting tent, Oracle stopped her for a second. "I have something that's been nagging me for a while, but I want to talk after the whole meeting." Beatrix nodded understanding.


The cold breeze, the smell of herbs and vegetables being cooked up by some men nearby filled Beatrix's nostrils. It reminded how hungry she was especially now after all the fighting and running she needed some energy in her body to keep her running. But she had the meeting to attend to first.

Arriving at the holographic table, displaying a glorious steel colored building, none other than the Pantheon. At the table already were several big faces within the ranks of the Righteous, Maion sitting next to Constantine himself, Empress, Alaric, also Kathryn, she was wearing her red cape, her energy sword sheathed away, and her shield magnetized to her armor on her back, and Emrys a friend of Kathryn, he is also a high ranking officer.

Beatrix took her seat, "I heard you got your butt kicked, captain, is it true?" Kathryn asked.

"I just followed my orders, went in there, the enemy was expecting us, the mission didn't go as planned."

Maion was the next one to speak. "Lock it down both of you." He was wise to do so because Beatrix could see Kathryn opening her mouth to say something but decided not to.

"Commander! Commander!" A Righteous Samurai came running over he bowed before them all.

Constantine spoke, "What is it soldier?"

"Sir! Xeno, they've landed several clicks from here sending an ambassador." The Samurai replied.

"Okay, get some rest soldier you've deserved it," Beatrix said. The man ran off.

Maion spoke next, "I think we should see what this ambassador has to say."

"I say we kill whatever Xeno machine they've sent. The Xeno maybe more machine than flesh but that doesn't make them immune to the Bloodthirsty to being infected." Kathryn said.

Beatrix spoke her thoughts. "I say we at least hear out this ambassador."

Outside the tent, the group could hear murmurs from the troops outside. Beatrix could hear Oracle's voice outside. "You know we could kill you where you stand?"

A male's voice countered back. "Oracle, that would be most unwise." Pushing open the tent flap came, Vyander, following quickly behind entered Oracle and several Righteous soldiers. Constantine spoke next "At ease soldiers. Vyander what do you want?"

Vyander chuckled, "I don't want anything besides to make people feel death and pain. But what my master wants is more important than my dreams."

Beatrix had grabbed her energy sword, she gripped her blade tighter Vyander was awfully close to Constantine. "Stay back!" Vyander slowly turned his head toward her direction.

"Why isn't it little Beatrix. My master, Excelsitus told me about you. I would kill you where you stand but... you're special."

This isn't the first time I've heard that. She wanted to know more. "What do you mean?"

"Excelsitus is one of the few Xeno that is more flesh than machine. Because of that, he has the abilities still of our race to see into people's lives, their future."

"What did he see in mine?" Beatrix asked, Kathryn made a cough sound trying to get everyone's attention but everyone ignored her.

"That question is for Excelsitus to answer," with that being said he turned his attention back to Constantine. "We want to help you. Help you push through the Tartarus Core."

"What else does your master, Exclsitus want?" Constantine questioned.

Vyander began to explain, "There is an ancient Xeno artifact in the Arctis near your Pantheon-"

Kathryn interrupted him, "Sir, with all, do respect we should decline this alliance immediately-"

Vyander interrupted her, "How dare you interrupt me human! I see right through you," Kathryn froze. "You don't fool me, deep down you are clever and ambitious. Yet in public, you are a hero that all Righteous rookie soldiers love. Because you inspire them." He made sure to put emphasis on the word inspire, "Don't interrupt me again otherwise there will be a body in this room."

He looked back at Constantine. "I only have a small attachment that I've taken with me, together, with our armies combined, we can create a distraction giving a small strike force consisting of Xeno and Righteous to sneak past through the portal getting to the Arctis. From there, they will then get to your Pantheon where the Xeno will then travel and retrieve their artifact. Do we have a temporary alliance?"

Constantine now sitting in his seat leaned back pondering this, closing his eyes. Vyander continued, "You will get to destroy the Bloodthirsty in the Arctis with your Pantheon, we will get our much-needed materials. This is a win-win for both our peoples."

Constantine spoke. "I know you're planning something else. But yes I do accept the temporary alliance."

This won't be good. Beatrix thought.

Captain Beatrix XII (%)Where stories live. Discover now