A half hour or so passed when Clarissa got up to go help Jaycee to bed.

"Do you like her still or something?" I asked Matt the second she was out of earshot.

"No, hell no. One, she's basically Josh's and two, I don't date."

Like I said before, Matt was similar to me, but he only had his hook-ups after parties and stuff. Mine were when ever the hell I wanted. Now, it's never because Jaycee is what I care about. Though, back in freshmen year, Clarissa and Matt had dated for like two weeks. It was a time-span that Clarissa and Josh weren't together. Matt and Claire were not good together, honestly - merely an irrelevant high school relationship.

"Her 'practically being Josh's' didn't stop you 5 years ago." I reminded him.

Matt rolled his eyes at my flash from the past. "I was a fuckin' thirsty-ass freshmen, Garfield."

"Now what are you?" I asked laughing, as I stood up.

"A thirsty-ass college sophomore." He replied with a sarcastic smirk.

I walked into the kitchen to get done pop and Matt followed behind me. I grabbed a Pepsi can and tossed Matt a Sprite.

"I'm going to be on my way, guys." Clarissa said, poking her head around the corner.

"Bye," we both waved.

"Jaycee's asleep." She added before leaving.

"Stick around and play COD?" I asked.

"For an hour. I've got an early class."
I agreed to that and we went back to the main room to play on my xbox for an hour.

After Matt left for the night, I went to my room and saw Jaycee still sound asleep.

I went to the stove and made some chicken noodle soup: the doctor suggested it because it's good for her to eat it in her condition.

Just as the soup was about done cooking, Jaycee trudged in with a blanket wrapped around her small figure.

"Hey, Jace. Sleep well?"

She gazed at me with her tired, blue eyes. "Yeah, still sleepy. More hungry, though."

I pushed the bowl of soup in front of her. "Eat up."

"Thank you, a lot, Jack."

"It's nothing, Jace." I assured her.

She's really changed me, but I'm glad she did. I like being with her; even if I'm not officially with her. Girlfriend and boyfriend are just titles. You don't need a title to have a story.

"Did you want to go back to bed?" I asked Jace as she pushed away her bowl. She nodded briefly before standing up and walking back to the room.

I had no clue why she was so exhausted, but the doctor said it was expected.

I did the few dishes that needed to be washed and put them back in their designated spot. Also, to kill time, I cleaned up around the dorm a bit.

I had found so many pop cans under my couch, I probably made about 10 bucks in returns.

After cleaning and completing my homework, it was 10 and I was beyond tired. Today had been pretty tiring and I was so ready for bed.

Not long after I fell asleep, i woke up to Jaycee crying hysterically.

I quickly got up and rushed over to her.

"Jaycee, are you okay?"

"U-uh yea. Just a bad dream." She said quietly.

"Are you sure?"

She nodded, convincing me she was all good. "No." She said when I turned my back. I faced her again and fresh tears were brimming her eyes. "I'm not sure." I knelt beside the bed she was laying in and kissed her forehead, leaving my lips to linger. "Please stay." Jaycee asked in such a quiet voice, it had to be completely silent for you to hear her. I bit my lips, but nodded and slid into bed next to her.

She shyly snuggled up against me where I draped my arm around her small frame and hugged her close to me, careful not to hurt her bruised ribs.

It felt amazing to be so close to Jaycee. I loved it.


Hey guys! I've been dappling with some potential cover ideas — which of these do you like more?

Hey guys! I've been dappling with some potential cover ideas — which of these do you like more?

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The second is the current cover, but not the official one! Remember — if you ever have quality covers, you can send them to me through email, just contact me in PM for it!

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The second is the current cover, but not the official one! Remember — if you ever have quality covers, you can send them to me through email, just contact me in PM for it!

Love you guys!

- emily

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