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I was sitting at Rocket Diner with Matt, Dylynn, and Chris for lunch before I would have to go to Starbucks with Chris for Jackson's tutoring session.

Over time,Matt has grown to like Chris; he was a good person after all.
Jackson hated him purely out of jealousy.

I have to admit, though, it was extremely weird being around Dylynn and Matt as they acted all lovey-dovey. I wonder if Matt felt this awkward when Jackson and I were together. After all, from my understanding, Jackson had only had one girlfriend before me. If I even count.

After I ate my chicken tenders and Chris finished his Coney Dog, we left because he had to go to work and I had to get to tutoring. I doubt Dylynn and Matt minded us leaving early though.

"Bring me over my usual." I called out to Chris as I went over to the spot Jackson and I had basically claimed as ours during tutoring. Usually Jackson's here before me so it was weird when I had beaten him.

I propped my feet up on the chair next to me as I pulled out my laptop and connected to the WiFi.

I was typing out my password when someone shook the chair my feet were on. My eyes landed on Jackson and moved my feet back to the ground.

"Hey." I greeted as Chris put my drink down. I reached out for purse, but Chris shook his head.

"It's covered." He had mouthed. I shrugged it off and turned back to Jackson. He didn't look so good.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm sorry." He apologized quickly.

Jackson Garfield had just apologized. He said he doesn't apologize, but he just did. Holy shit.

"I'm sorry for hurting you when I told you I wouldn't, for lying to you, for cheating on you, for being an ass...for messing with your feelings. I am sorry for any pain that I have caused you. I know you won't change your mind, which is fine. I need you to know how sorry I am, though. I'm sick of this disappointed feeling I have in my gut, disappointed in myself."

If I didn't cut him off, he surely would've kept on going for several more minutes. "I know you're sorry." That's all I get out, I didn't know what else to say. "Want to start?" I asked after a few moments of silence. He agreed, taking out his textbooks and laptop.

Jackson has really improved since our first session when he couldn't even do middle school math. He's been doing remarkably well at all of his college work that's been given to him while leading up to the exam retakes.

At 3:30, Jackson shoved his books into his backpack and stood up. It was part of our routine.

Every tutoring session at 3:30, when my phones alarm goes off, we both waste no time in packing up our stuff and leaving with only a simple goodbye.

But today I voluntarily cut that routine to an end.

"Could you stay and talk for a few?"

He reluctantly sat back down. "What's up?"

"Did Matt, uh, tell you?"

"About him and your roommate? Yea."

"How do you feel about that one?"

Jackson shrugged his shoulders. "It's different seeing him with someone, but hey as long as he's happy."

I really just wanted to be able to have a decent conversation with Jackson again, but that isn't possible, is it? It won't ever be possible again.

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