8: My Pride Month

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My Pride Anthem 2018
They walk, they stride, I'm here, it's pride.
In vows, in long, inside, I'm strong.
Outside, these flags, southside, these drags.
Out here, out strong, we doubt, we're wrong.
Gay boys, have the power, strong dykes, gay hours.
Trans lives, loved bright, little ones, you right.
Bi buds, you work, bi's valid, bi's perf.
Queirdo, queer minds, queer joes, queer pride.
They loud, they good, they here, they would.
Poly pals, little known, poly pride, poly's grown.
Pride here, pride proud, we're here, we're loud.
Pride love, pride big, pride loved, you'd live.

Tucked in an Unreal Bed
I'm a failure. My structure is a fake.
My mind is ubruttle. My brain is a cake.
Long live my bullshit, long live my path,
Long live my temper, and fucked is my past.
My house is a celling, it's gone through the roof.
Do you think I am perfect when I tell you the truth?
Do you believe in my soul when I am a spoof?
Do you think I am happy when I'm stuck in this booth?
Kissing and smooch, laughing-death-proof.
I'm lost in a puzzle, I am the piece that you lose.
I'm lost in my species, I'm lost in my mind.
I'm lost in my space, and I'm nothing you'd find.

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